Quote Originally Posted by JellyPooga View Post
Races of Faerun has the feat Jotunbred, which basically gives the character the Powerful Build trait. It is, however, limited to two types of Human (and you have to take it at 1st level, but that's beside the point).

How powerful is the Powerful Build trait and would it be unbalancing to widen the requirements of the feat to something like:

Prerequisites: Medium size, Racial Strength bonus or X/Y Human
Benefit: You gain the Powerful Build extraordinary ability
Special: May only be taken at 1st level

I just thought it odd that an Orog; taller and much stronger than the average human, for example, could not take this feat and in fact, an average Human with it technically has an advantage over an average Orog without it in, say, a grapple, ECL being unequal (Orog:Human - 3:1) and everything (Orog has +3 Str bonus vs. Humans +0, but Human also gets +4 from Jotunbred)!
To opener:
I read this, and at first thought you were asking about using Jotunbrud as written.

I personally am against letting someone spend a feat, and in exchange getting a large part of someone elses racial benefits (goliath, half-giant etc).

But if you're deadset on doing this, I recommend changing the prereqs to: Human from Region X. OR Racial strength bonus and Minimum strength of Z. However, the character using your new Jotunbrud wouldn't be unbalanced, but you did just take away a reason to play one of the races with a LA that have Powerful Build as a racial bonus. So races that get Powerful Build, should get a boost, perhaps a free feat.

To Runner:
Bad Runner! Bad! No thread necromancy! *smacks with newspaper*
The phrasing of Jotunbrud (as written) specifies "opposed rolls." So it looks like it would work with Intimidate skill, where your skill check is opposed by targets level check. If being a size larger would be advantageous.