Ander Windrivver

I don't recall asking for your permission, Ander retorts.

He turns back toward the monastery building, motioning for Karth to follow him.

The Abbot had some important business to attend to before your arrival. We were not expecting you so soon.

Ander leads Karth and his retinue through the stone halls of the monastery to the ritual chamber.

I hope you've come with an open mind, Karth. Listen carefully to what the Abbot and I propose.

Ander opens the doors for Karth and his retinue, following them into the ritual chamber before taking his place near the Abbot and his senior advisers. He takes a brief glance at the magical recording crystals in the ceiling before clearing his throat and speaking again.

I see no reason to mince words here today. Karth, you are on a personal crusade to rally the peasantry and topple the Church establishment. I am on a mission from Miriam and Athelion to eliminate the corrupted members of the Church. I came to you to see if you could be an ally in my efforts and I am as yet unconvinced.

As it turns out, the Abbot is also interested in eliminating the corrupted elements of the Church. He was skeptical at first, but after subjecting myself to a truth telling ritual and telling my story, I was able to convince him.

Dealing with the Church is a delicate matter, Karth. You cannot just march on the Cathedral of Light with your peasant army, full of zeal and anger. The effort to cleanse the Church must have legitimacy. It must not be about a power struggle or instead of healing the Church we will have a Schism on our hands.

The Abbot and I have discussed matters, and have decided to try and bring the other paladin orders into the fight. With all seven orders on our side, not only will our cause have legitimacy but we will also have the military strength to take on the Council's other fighting forces.

However, we cannot have rogue elements campaigning around the countryside. Here is our proposal, Karth: you can voluntarily give up your personal crusade and join our greater cause as a general and still have a hand in campaign strategy or you can refuse and be forced to give up your personal crusade while we keep you in a cell to await trial when this is all over. Make your choice, Karth. There is no third option.