Quote Originally Posted by taltamir View Post
dear god that is sick and wrong on so many levels!

and heck, I'd want a fire/acid breathing horse too...
It gets worse.

The green-dragon great wyrm in question sits at the head of a pocket empire, worshipped as a living god. It's quite mad, both megalomaniacal and solipist. It shapeshifts like crazy and favors the form of an androgenous humanoid -- it took the party something like 10 sessions to figure out it was a dragon, and they still don't know its natural gender. The nobility of the realm are all its half-dragon children, most of whom have half-dragon mounts. There are half-dragon beasts of burden (yay +8 str bonus to oxen) and even halfdragon pets.

These "Children of the Lord" fall all over themselves in their love for their parent. It's a fusion of religious worship, fillial love, national loyalty, and... something more. Nothing was ever explicitly said, but the PCs are SEVERELY CREEPED OUT.

It's got a thing for elves. Both elves were propositioned by it. ((They said no as politely as they could.)) Ever since then, they refer to it as Pervy (or creepy) Elf-Fancier.

I like the image of a nation of half-dragons with a dragon as a head. It meshes pretty well with lots of evil fantasy armies from pulp books and film. You know the types, the ones with themes -- all undead, all pig-like, all lizard-like, etc.