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    Default Re: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, MK XXI - Death is not Zombies

    Name: Radar
    Started Reading: About the end of vacation arc. Generally because of Strip Slays thread, to get all the jokes.
    Joining GitP thread: When the TIM/Celesto/Greg random fight begun (as i recall). Lurked in the Strip Slays thread much longer (beginning of the second one i think).
    Starting Disposition: Strip Slays fan.
    Time to convert: Started here, so it is no concerne of mine.
    Current Stance: I like the wild slays and reading bizzare theories in DD thread. What's more fun, these theories make more sens, then the DD itself. Somehow the entertainment from reading a bad comic remindes me of this.

    Name: Rappy
    Started Reading: The Battle of Barthis...I think. Archive binging fried my brain and sense of space-time.
    Joining GiTP Thread: I lurked in and eventually joined Thread IV.
    Starting Disposition: It's bad, but in a good way.
    Time to Convert: About two days of lurking.
    Current Stance: Call out Joel and the 'Bots, because this is constantly striving for new levels of "so bad it's good".

    Name: Raroy
    Started Reading: The first thread. A few pages in.
    Joining GitP thread: Lurked for a long long time. Two years? Made a dumb post. Hid while I was in shame. Rinse and repeat.
    Starting Disposition: War in hell. It was a question of, "Why do I even care anymore?"
    Time to convert: Pretty early, class action I believe.
    Current Stance: It's just a fantastic time waster.

    Name: Raz_Fox
    Started Reading: Around the time Pam broke up with Greg, took me several days to read through the entire thing.
    Joining Thread: I decided to make a post about how I actually liked DD... on the day of Catboy Celesto.
    Starting Disposition: It's alright. I like some of the characters, and it has room for improvement.
    Time to Convert: I haven't yet. I enjoy both the comic and the threads about it. Collateral Damage Man... hehe.
    Current Stance: Wait and see is my current stance.

    Name: RedScholarGypsy
    Started Reading: Roughly here in VoD http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-05-31 I saw it on keenspot and gave it a whirl.
    Joining GiTP Thread: I saw 9th just as it was ending and was curious, and followed to X.
    Starting Disposition: Puns are my crack. So bad for me, but I just need them. So DD seemed like another good source. Plot's also good, and if it's somewhat coherent I'll follow. Since it's hard to make me laugh, any comic that gets even a chuckle out of me I'll follow for a long time.
    Time to Convert: Orcrape didn't affect me really, and Dejah calling it out was nice. But WiH continued...and continued... and am I the only one who thinks D deserved, if not that much beatdown, just a bit? Then Supergreg happened...and more bad comic book hero shtick...and instantly forgiving a mass-murdering oracle hunter? Plus alcoholic dwarves (But you better not stereotype orcs!) and every other tolkien race popped up, plus others. Next the cows will have a secret society. Hmmm...Dom in the secret cow level. Run gimpy! Yeah, i feel the snark.
    Current Stance: Still somewhat a fan despite all. I usually read anything at the level it's presented. I don't expect sirloin steak when I buy a Hershey bar, but even I got pissed when cadbury shrunk the egg size, and that's kinda how I feel.

    Name: rubakhin
    Started Reading: Hrm - after my archive binge, I think I ended on the very day of SuperGreg. Jesus.
    Joining GitP thread: When I finished it. I joined up just to read the snark thread. Now I am a marginally productive member of the GitP community!
    Starting Disposition: The week I read it I was sorta nostalgic for when I was still in the single digits and liked watching kid's fantasy anime on TV (for some ungodly reason). It hit the spot at the time. I knew it wasn't fantastic or anything, but I got what I wanted out of it. And I liked that the love interest suffered from depression and a bad home life, and that earlier Dominic was a cranky reclusive bastard. Not so much heroic Dominic later on.
    Time to convert: About a week after I finished it. I had thought the whole Snowsong arc was ridiculous and was having some issues with the protagonist and the condescension by then, but was willing to overlook all this. Only by then I had wandered on the snark threads and was digesting what I had read. After which I rapidly went from "That was flawed, but pretty satisfying" to "Wait a minute ... Goddamn it, that was awful!"
    Current Stance: I think Mookie has some potential, if he just tried. Like the one time he drew a violin bow upside-down. (I still do not forgive. ) It would have taken him thirty seconds to Google or YouTube a guy playing a violin and based his drawing off of that. Also, his experiments with a different facial style look markedly better than the snouts and cheek teeth we're used to, and I think a lot of the pacing problems and other kinds of things would clear up and evolve into something better if he switched to a typical comic/manga panel layout instead of adhering strictly to the four squares thing. Also, he'd benefit from an editor who can look over his scripts and point out when something doesn't make sense. He's never going to draw The Brothers Karamazov, but he could probably put together a nice way to kill time.

    Name: Schlega
    Started Reading: Some time around 2006 or 2007
    Joining GiTP Thread: I don't recall exactly when I started lurking, but when Snarks on a Plain came around and no one was willing to make the obligatory slay, I had to step in.
    Starting Disposition: I initially thought it had potential.
    Time to Convert: About half way through the archive binge it turned into "Gah! It's a train wreck but I can't look away!"
    Current Stance:

    I read it with thimbles, I read it with care;

    I peruse it with forks and hope;

    I threaten its life with a railway-share;

    I slay it with smiles and soap.

    Name: SnowballMan : Arch-Nemesis to Johnny Blade
    Started reading: No clue. I was looking for a new good comic to replace a few that had stopped being worth reading. And as with all new comics, I jump straight to the beginning and start archive binging until I decide it's not worth it or I come up to the current one.
    Starting Disposition: I like really bad puns. So I liked the way it started out. I think I stopped reading it when they got to Sin City. The only thing that got me back into reading through the whole of the archives was the Strip Slay thread. I used to do that a lot with another comic, and when that comic ended I was going through withdraw. (of course, we were a lot less critical of the source material there)
    Current Stance: Partly snarky with a chance of cynicism later in the day. Honestly, if it weren't for the Strip Slays I wouldn't still be reading.

    Name: Spectralphoenix
    Started Reading: Around the Orc Rape section (somebody linked to it to start a paladin debate on the Wizards boards.) Didn't seem as bad (writing-wise) without the thousand comics worth of context about how awesome the orcs were and how everyone who didn't like them sucked, and all the attempts to justify it later on in the arc.
    Joining Thread: Now.
    Initial Stance: Started out kind of cool (the beginning of the comic, not the Orc Rape section,) then went downhill as the archives went on. Surely things were going to turn the corner and start improving again, right? RIGHT?
    Time to Convert: I'm not sure if there was a single moment of insight when I realized just how bad the comic was or just a slow, steady march downward. It was probably around the Storm of Souls arc where things passed the Lameness Event Horizon.
    Current Stance: So the last arc was basically a conspiracy by a dozen unrelated B-list characters to get together and talk about how awesome and important the Mary Sue is, and now we're in another never-ending battle sequence. Next up: Aforementioned Sue comes up with a ridiculous scheme to get rid of TiM and return Greg's superpowers (and possibly his ex-girlfriend.) Bonus points if this scheme gets Dex back with his ex. He only hit her instead of making misogynistic remarks like Taggerty did (and got killed for,) so he still has a chance.

    name: starburst98
    started reading: i think it was when dom slapped luna's mom with a fish.(i have lurked for EVER)
    joined thread: finally see what was gong on in here
    starting disposition: oh, another webcomic, i'll just read this
    time to convert: think i finally said "screw it" around war in hell
    current stance: hahaha, i can't believe i ever thought this was good!

    Name: St. Salieri
    Started reading DD: Around "Into the Woods" (the arc after Luna's introduction).
    Joined GitP thread: I've followed the GitP DD discussion since late in the first thread, but only joined in a few pages ago.
    Starting Disposition: When I started reading DD, I found the art charming, the writing clever, the characters engaging, and the puns deliciously bad. Little did I know that each of those qualities would be reversed in the years to come (except the puns, which just became stupid).
    Time to convert: Medieval Rock Concert"Battle for Barthis" was one extended "WTF" for me (especially "salvation by rape" and the ensuing "in love with the rapist"). "War in Hell" slowed the descent somewhat, but not for long.
    Current stance: This thread has grown steadily more entertaining in proportion to DD's increasing failure, and I now rely on it for my daily MST3K fix.

    Name: Steilos
    Quest: To snark Dominic Deegan.
    Favourite Colour: Red! No, wait blu-Aaaahhhhhh
    Started reading:..I don't even remember. I don't want to either.
    Starting Disposition: To my everlasting shame I found the first bits of this comic to be actually funny. I liked it. I was thinking that there was no way in heck that this train could derail this far. It's like boarding a train in Bristol then sliding uncontrollably into Austrailia.
    Time to Convert: The snowsong arc got a chilly reception from me (......dear god it's catching) and then the Aardvark came into the equation. At that point I just went to hell with it and drew obtuse-angles-that-are-really-acute on the walls, got myself a nice comfy sleeping bag and worshipped the elder gods for a week or two. After my belated recovery I came here to snark 'er up. even to this day I reassure my self that the bad blonde underpants man isn't coming back but he does he does he does he does he d0es
    Current Stance: Sorry about that small hiccup there. I am sane now. I hope. Anyways, my current opinion is of slight curiosity couped with massive jadedness. I know this is going to get worse. I know we ain't scraped the bottom of the barrel yet. I know I am freqeunting fanfics to toughen up my mental defenses- Wait, why am I telling you this? All you need to know about my opinion is that just because we've fallen off of the bottom of the slippery slope, don't mean it's over yet. The seabed's slippery too. We ain't stopping till we hit a subduction zone and fall into the mantle.

    Name: Tackyhillbillu
    Started Reading: Since the first year, on and off. Took a sabbatical for a while, started up again when I got sucked back in.
    Joining GiTP Thread: 9/20/09
    Starting Disposition: Hmmmm, mildly approving.
    Time to Convert: A couple of years. I was young and stupid.
    Current Stance: I think I enjoy it more now then I did when I actually liked it. I enjoy watching failure, and Dominic Deegan is that in almost it's purest form.

    Name: Textual Predator
    Started Reading: Somewhere around the end of Erossus/the start of Storm of Souls.
    Joined GitP thread: Just now. I've been lurking for a while, though. The roll call seemed to be as good a time as any to jump in. Er...hi? (Editor's note: Hi )
    Starting Disposition: Initially, it seemed pretty good. Not brilliant, by any stretch of the imagination, but I liked the fact that most of the characters had support abilities rather than openly offensive ones. It was like they were a low-level running a fantasy comic.
    Time to convert: First came Mama Deegan. Then came the DBZ beam-trading antics of the Storm of Souls finale. The characters seemed to have suddenly power-levelled. With most of what I'd enjoyed about the strip stamped flat and left to die in the desert, I began to drift away, reading only out of inertia. Then came Orc Rape 2006, and a macabre fascination took hold of me. I may have gotten bored and wandered off a few times, but ultimately I couldn't stay away. I had to see what perversions of writing Mookie would attempt next. I never could have guessed just how deep the rabbit hole goes. These threads help soothe the madness, or at least to quantify it.
    Current Stance: Horrified bemusement.

    Name: Thalraxal
    Started reading: Beginning of the Ecstasy and Evil arc (right whenever Stunt and Bumper ambushed Dom and Luna on their way to Erossus)
    Joined GitP thread: Right now, have been an avid lurker since the Legendary First Thread
    Starting disposition: Huge fan! DD was for a while one of my favourite comics, and one of the comics I suggested the most to my friends.
    Time to convert (if applicable): Sometime during the War in Hell arc. I was surprised by Mookie's descion to go into the War in Hell so soon after SoS, and felt it would have been a better choice to give his cast a longer break instead of trying to one-up his last epic arc. I was also really worried about his habit of bringing back villains all the time, and didn't want to see the one villain he killed off for real (Helexia) come back again. The comic dropped off my regular reading list during the War in Hell, and I read it on and off throughout Two Thief or Not to Thief? and I probably would have dropped it completely before Snowsong if it weren't for this thread. Thanks alot guys.
    Current stance: Everytime a storyline starts, I'm hopeful. I had the same feeling at the start of Snowsong, Shadow of Siggy, The Oracle Hunter and the current arc. It starts off good, and I get the feeling that this is going to be the story where Mookie gets good again... but he doesn't... and my hopes are dashed everytime. I keep reading partly because of this thread, partly because I do hope to one day have a webcomic of my own and I would like to avoid making the same mistakes Mookie has.

    Name: Thanqol, Grey Seer Thanqol
    Started Reading: I picked up Dominic Deegan... heck, during Storm of Souls' early days.
    Joining GiTP Thread: Friday 16th September, 2009
    Starting Disposition: Somewhere between stunned apathy and genocidal rage.
    Time to Convert: I'd been sort of figuring DD was 'allright' for a while. But the latest arc had me wondering... "Is it just me who thinks the author is off his nut?" Sometime around the utter schooling of Jacob I realized that I was only reading out of habit, because this was a comic that updated regularly. I hadn't thought about it because it was vaguely interesting. But then I started wondering if the comic was even worth the minute or so a day I took to read the damn thing.
    And when you start asking yourself that question regarding a free webcomic, you're in a bad spot.
    The snap came when 'light' and 'darkness' were revealed as 'twins that wanted to be reunited'. Welcome to Some Idiot's Philosophy Lecture...
    Current Stance: After reading a few back archives, including the utterly magnificent Slay threads and a few iterations of this thread, I realized that I'd only tolerated DD this long because I'd never spent the time to analyze it, never spent the time to think about what I was reading. And given my attitude to the comic, as long as it provided a pretty picture and a chance of getting a chuckle, it's unlikely I would. But this orc arc has so much goddamn suck in one place that it's retroactively poisoned the entire archives for me.
    Now I see what I thought was mediocre writing stands revealed for the moralizing ass it is. If there's anything that gets my blood up it's sermonizing in fiction. Invariably, it's a weak attack on strawman opponents which compromises already weak characters with sloppy writing as their mouths are distorted to preach the author's poorly thought out morality. And they write reality around them to fit their simplistic ideas.
    And none of them ever has an idea on how to do things better.
    And Dominic Deegan has been that for a long time. And Maltak is such a vile example of uneducated philosophy that I just couldn't take it any more. The moral terms affectionately called 'light' and 'darkness', and Deegan's role as champion of 'balance' is a high school grade bastardization of Taoist philosophy. Issues are set up just to be blundered through with what a self-important snob regards as the right answer - like setting up a tissue paper and then slashing it with a steel ruler. Moral situations have consequences. Things go wrong. Bad things happen to good people and never get resolved.
    And yet, everything always gets wrapped up in a neat bundle as the author tells us the 'right' way to deal with problems complex enough to ruin lives and break minds. And it happens so easily.
    And thus, the rage came. And from rage, flowed Snark. Let it be so now; let it be so ever forth.
    If you gentlemen will accept a humble Philosophy major amongst your holy brotherhood, I will be glad to join you.

    Name: The Archivist
    Started Reading: The March Across Maltak
    Joining GiTP Thread: The March Across Maltak…three months later…
    Starting Disposition: I first heard about the strip here on the OotS forum and “Your Webcomic Is Bad and You Should Feel Bad”. I thought people might have been exaggerating the badness of the webcomic, and decided to give it a shot. If worse came to worse I would understand the context of the strip slays.
    Time to Convert: I believe my first thought on the comic amounted to “Seers catalogue? Really…Really?” It was gradually downhill from there with a few ups such as during points in the Storm of Souls arc (where it could have really been good, but instead swerved into a number of inappropriate brick walls near the end) until it just became awful during the Snowsong arc.
    Current Stance: Dominic Deegan is a special kind of failure. It is the type of failure you can read and laugh at, but not so horrible it is unreadable like some webcomics. Reading Dominic Deegan is like watching a train wreck, a train wreck with puppies, kittens, nuns, orphans, and radioactive waste. You don’t want to watch, but you cannot help yourself and have a certain amount of guilty pleasure watching.

    Name: TheCheshireHat
    Started reading: I don´t quite remember, but I think it was sometime prior to the Storm of Souls arc
    Starting Disposition: I liked it. Mostly, I think, this was a hangover from the archives but I still enjoyed it a fair deal. I couldn´t point to a precise moment, but eventually reading DD became a thing of habit.
    Current Stance: I read it because otherwise I would miss out on the entertainment provided by this thread. I generally end up laughing at things that Mookie didn´t put in as jokes, and groaning at the jokes.

    Name: Tom Violence
    Started Reading: Archive-binged my way up to somewhere towards the end of the Storm Of Souls arc (which was current at the time) over the course of only an evening or so, but then stopped reading completely for quite a long time (I blame all the pictures of Mookie's greasy head that are wantonly bundled in with the strip). I then discovered this thread, thinking at the title "Yeah, I quite like that strip too", but on discovering all the snark within I had to know what inspired such bile.
    Joining GitP thread: No frigging idea, really.
    Starting Disposition: As mentioned, initial fan.
    Time to convert: In a flash. I have a vague inclination that I found this strip around the War In Hell arc, so not only was I confronted by the horrors of the Orc Rape Is All Great bit, but also references to the wall of cheese that was the Rock Concert In A Fantasy Setting
    Current Stance: This strip has made me vomit appear in my mouth, and this thread made me laugh my hole off, too many times for me to ever think of looking back on the days when I enjoyed the strip with anything other than confusion and embarrassment.

    Name: Trazoi
    Started Reading: Half-way through the Oracle Hunter arc. Archive binged at the end of the vacation arc.
    Joining GitP thread: Somewhere in the middle of the epic thread. It started as just a few questions and small comments until I figured out the nuances of the comic.
    Starting Disposition: I was one of those people who started reading because of the monster threads here. I couldn't help but be curious about this webcomic that caused so many posts. So I started reading through an already jaded lens.
    Time to convert: If anything, archive binging caused me to convert the other way. Once I'd read all the background I can see why so many snarkers were once fans. I liked the early arcs of cranky Dominic getting cursed with fish on his head - then it started to fall apart as Luna stole more page time and everyone gained ridiculous powers.
    Current Stance: The comic teeters on an edge between good and bad. Or perhaps good and dull. There's a spark of a great comic in here. I think if Mookie listened to a few critics, got a friend to act as editor to his ideas and put some effort into self development, I'd think this comic could really shine. But since it's been several years of this, I suspect he's in a rut and it's only going to devolve from here. As it stands, Dominic Deegan is the webcomic equivalent of a soap opera; silly fluff you can't take seriously but is yet somehow strangely compelling. Strangely, that makes it a better read than about three quarters of all webcomics out there...

    Name: Turcano
    Started Reading: Here.
    Joined Thread: I started reading out of curiosity as to why the comic was generating such a large thread, so I entered the thread the day after I finished the archive trawl (around page 50 in the first thread).
    Starting Disposition: I thought it was okay, but not that great; I particularly noticed the preachiness and the fact that Mookie apparently hadn't gotten over how he was treated in high school and was using the comic to hash these issues out vicariously.
    Time To Convert: Almost immediately.
    Current Stance: The comic is a joke of the unintentional variety; unlike lazier webcomic hacks like Tim Buckley, Mookie goes to great lengths to make his work as terrible as possible. However, the joke is not that funny on its own; if it weren't for this and the strip slay thread, I probably would have stopped reading over a year ago.

    Name: uncool
    Started reading: I think it was during the vacation arc, though I honestly can't remember. Hey, what's that saw doing there?
    Starting position: I started by seeing these threads, and looked up the comic. At first, during the archive trawl, I liked it, especially for the puns (to be continued in the next section)
    Time to convert: When I reached the end of the archive trawl, I was getting tired of a good amount of it. Then, when I saw the threads discussing all that I had missed that was bad (see current stance)
    Current stance: It's hilariously horrible. When you have a thread of snarkers coming up with theories as to how something can be that bad...well, you've created a one-of-a-kind thing.

    Name: Vael
    Started reading: Around 'Class Action,' I believe. I archive binged.
    Joining GitP thread: I lurked for a time, then posted on page 24 of the first thread.
    Starting Disposition: I didn't really pay close enough attention to the comic until I started lurking, so I was initially disposed to be nice to it, but when I first posted in the thread, I had been convinced.
    Time to Convert: Uh... difficult to pinpoint. I think I was most of the way through my archive binge when I looked at the thread, then as soon as I caught up I was a snarker.
    Current stance: This comic is grotesque and yet somehow grand, sinking to magnificent depths that describe an almost artistic level of failure. It is not for someone such as I to perceive it fully- it is too alien and strange- but to even grasp a facet of its terrible splendor of ineptitude broadens my mind.
    It's like if you converted Cthulhu to a badly made webcomic. This is what would happen.

    Name: Webox
    Started reading: Around the Oracle Hunter Arc.
    Joining GitP thread: Lurked since the middle of the third thread.
    Starting Disposition: Well... you hear a lot about DD in various places i check(TvTropes, GiTP, others) and I was curious what all the fuss was about. It didn't strike me as a good comic from the start, but it wasn't awful then, either.
    Time to Convert: The main reason I wanted to read the whole comic was so I could understand what was going on in these DD threads, so almost as soon as I finished the archive binge(wich I often had to stop due to boredom, in various separate attemps) I started enjoying the snark here, but mostly lurked... then started actively snarking in the middle of the vacation arc.
    Current stance: Im in a So Bad Its Good stance.

    Name: Whoracle
    Started Reading: Here, then went on an archive binge.
    Joining GiTP Thread: Dunno when my first post was, and I don't post all too often, but I joined before I first looked upon DD.
    Starting Disposition: "Let's see what this is about." -> Binge.
    Time to Convert: Two days later, when I hit this during my binge.
    Current Stance: I've pretty much given up on the comic, but it's worth reading for the snark here alone.

    Name: Winterwind
    Started reading: During Storm of Souls
    Joined GitP thread: ~page 50 of the First Thread (beginning of Snowsong arc)
    Starting disposition: Optimistic if critical fan
    Time to convert (if applicable): About 40 pages of GitP thread (end of Snowsong arc)
    Current stance: Likes Dominic Deegan... because nothing is so very, very bad in so many, many ways. It's hilarious! I wouldn't want it to turn better even if it was, somehow, possible for Mookie!

    Name: Wraith
    Started reading: Somewhere around the apex of 'Into The Woods' and 'Couch Forts & Crying' (and mildly surprised that seemingly few people have been reading it for longer).
    Joined GitP thread: February 14th, 2008, midway through the Oracle Hunter arc and out of coincidence rather than seeking out like-minded souls.
    Starting disposition: Mildly entertained by a value-for-money Gag-A-Day fantasy webcomic, and read out of habit more than anything else. DD was little more than a gentle distraction over lunchtime websurfing.
    Time to convert (if applicable): After 2 pages of binging the contemporary Snark Thread, and realising how much more sense (and fun!) was to be had than contained in the actual comic.
    Current stance: Reading DD occurs almost exclusively to understand the context behind the Snark, which itself is revered as though it were part of a much better comic about a similar subject. If I were to put it into Video Gaming terms, the Snark is our 'Zero Punctuation' compared to Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire's 'Ctrl+Alt+Del', if you will.

    Name: I'm just that guy. (YeahThatGuy)
    Started Reading: Reply Hazy, try again. My first memory of Dominic Deegan was in a thread somewhere when another member posted something along the lines of "LOLOL TEH NOES DIS BE TEH WURST PUN EVARZ". The look of the webcomic immediately killed any curiosity I had. Later, I remember seeing the thread here for Dominic Deegan. I read, found it humorous, and occasionally read a few of the most-current strips ( at the time it was Snowsong but before SuperGreg ) to know what the hell you people were muttering to yourselves about. When SuperGreg appeared I found the reactions to it quite amusing.
    Joining GitP thread: Recently, as obvious by the date I joined.
    Starting Disposition: Bland, uninteresting.
    Time to convert: When people took note of how manipulative Dominic looked during the talking-heads ending of Snowsong, I discovered a new outlook of the world. Suddenly, instead of finding Dominic Deegan bland, I found it to be a rich lode of dark, disturbing humor ( my favorite ).
    EDIT: By the way, actually analyzing old cartoons will net the same reaction as analyzing Dominic Deegan. I never cared for the Jetsons but after watching the episode that Mac is built on Boomerang again gave me the chills at how horrific such a future would be.
    Current Stance: I read the current strip when I can, cry, then come here to make the burns from my acidic tears worth it. I have not gone through the archive and read through it all, although I usually read whatever strip is linked-to in this thread ( which, over the time period that I've visited this thread, is a lot ) and I will admit that Mookie has created ( or "borrowed"? ) many ideas that ( could ) have been very interesting and/or good. I think the format he uses has crippled him, preventing any of those ideas from actually reaching their potential.

    Name: Yhuntresse
    Started Reading: It was for a review I was doing of the webcomic where I started from the begining and ended near the begining of the Oracle Hunter arc.
    Joining GitP thread: Mid-Oracle Hunter
    Starting Disposition: The early stuff was mediocure with over-reliance on horrid puns and a writer who writes like a teenager who watches too much anime (and not the good kind). It just got worse as Dominic became more of a Mary Sue, the lack of subtilty, the stupid puns, bad art, too much of the ol' illusion trick, and character derailment that I skipped a few storylines to get my review done.
    Time to convert: Instantaneous
    Current Stance: DD is the comic I love to hate and mock. It's a perfect guide for aspiring writers on what not to do and a source of rage as to why such a hack can still have fans (I even met one once.)

    Name: zvbxrpl
    Started Reading: Just at the end of Storm of Souls
    Joined GiTP thread: Oct 2009, after being an unregistered viewer for a few months. I wanted my strip slay fix after the keenspot forums went poof.
    Starting Disposition: I liked the comic. I thought it was pretty campy, but it didn't pretend otherwise, and was fun.
    Time to Convert: The last arc I remember really liking was Two Thief. I continued reading out of habit, but only winced at the real Wall Bangers such as supergreg. I still genuinely liked some stuff, such as Quilt, but I think I was aware of a decline on some level. Around the vacation arc I started wondering why I still gave a damn, and slowly turned into an anti-fan.
    Current Stance: This comic is a Franchise Zombie. The war in hell seemed like the setup for an even bigger conflict. Karnak played Dominic for a Xanatos Sucker, and TiM and Celesto were back. S*** looked like it was going to get real, and instead we have a series of halfhearted arcs that only vaguely touch on anything set up with the last two epic arcs, and when they do, they do so in artless and boring ways. By now, we should have had a final showdown and then the comic should have ended. Mookie does not seem to have an endpoint in mind, and that is a problem, even for a writer of serialized stories.
    Last edited by Jahkaivah; 2010-01-14 at 07:38 PM.
    Steamname: Atheist God, if you're lucky.