So I sorta started a 4e DnD outbreak at my college. What started as a suggestion with a few new friends ended up with me having 10 or so people asking to play. So, I'm currently DMing two groups of 5 and 4, respectively, with new players asking to join every now and then. Plus a Dark Heresy group I'm currently forming, with 4 players from those two groups...

So I decided to impart my DM knowledge to anyone who wanted to try it out. Two players, one from each group, expressed interest. So this coming week I'm going to train them in the ways of the DM. Teaching them how to explain things and paint a good picture of what's happening, lending them the rulebooks so they can get familiar with all the rules, advising them on how to deal with problem players and people who think outside the box, and running a few 1-on-1 practice scenarios, like "Ork with a pie" and stuff like that.

So hopefully, I'll have a replacement DM in both parties, and I'll get a few chances to play every now and then. Which makes me happy, because I've only gotten to actually be a player one or twice in my entire DnD career.

So now I'm working on my two characters. The first group is almost lvl 3, and they're in a serious campaign with lots of grim content. So I want sort of a darker character for that. The second group is lvl 1, and more of a fun and casual setting. So, I want kind of a silly character for that. Here's what I've got so far...

Group 1:
I'm thinking of basing a character off of Rorschach from Watchmen. Y'know, a dark and brooding vigilante who thinks evil has to be punished through any means neccissary... But I've also got a warped sense of humor. So I've come up with this: A Chaotic Neutral Halfling Rogue who's geared more for melee combat and serves as the party skillmonkey. I don't have the PHB with me, so I haven't actually statted him out yet. I'd play him as untrusting, jaded, mischevious, brutal, and willing to do whatever it takes to punish whoever he deems wicked. (Sort of a mix between Belkar and Miko, I suppose. )

What do you guys think? Does that sound good, or do you have better suggestions for a Rorschach-esque character I could play? Any advise for building him?

Group 2:
I've already got this one figured out. A Chaotic Good Half-Orc Bard. I'm not sure how to stat him out, though... I want him to a bit slow and dense, but shockingly charismatic and diplomatic. Like... a mix of Thog and Elan. I'm not sure how to build him to be effective, though... I'm thinking high charisma, for sure. But which is more important for Bards, Wisdom or Intelligence?

Also, which do Elan and Thog have lowest for them - Wisdom or Intelligence?

Also, one fun fact about my unnamed Half-Orc Bard is that he plays the violin. But when he grew up in his tribe, he was always made fun of for playing such a "wimpy" instrument. So he's really private and secretive about it, and he keeps it in a box strapped to his back - along with a battle axe, so he can at least look tough and keep people from making fun of him. Then, once combat starts, he nervously pulls out the violin and begins to play music - sweet, beautiful music. And if anybody makes fun of him, he'll smack 'em with the flat side of the axe.

So yeah, group 2's character is a simple-minded, self-conscious CG Half-Orc Bard. Any advice, comments, or nit-picks?