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    Bugbear in the Playground
    RS14's Avatar

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    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Looking for data on the accuracy of firearms

    Remember that bench-rest accuracy is very different from accuracy under fire. For the former, you'll have plenty of luck at any firearms board--I'm also a member of The High Road, and many of the rifle shooters there should be able to give you a rough idea of what typical accuracy means. I'm sure there must be some who shoot competitively out to 1000m or more. Ask what a good/average group is at various ranges. Remember that .223 slows faster than heavier rounds, and most military assault rifles aren't shooting platforms of the same quality as dedicated competition rifles.

    Accuracy under fire is more difficult. I don't know where you'd get that, though I imagine there are various reports floating around about wartime accuracy.

    Why wouldn't you be able to possess declassified documents? I would assume that such documents could be possessed by anyone, without restriction.

    You can probably work out the effectiveness of suppressive fire by figuring the typical cross-sectional area exposed, the duration of exposure, and using a normal distribution of shots across the targeted position.
    Last edited by RS14; 2010-01-24 at 11:55 PM.