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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Land of long white cloud

    Default Re: Got a Real-World Weapon or Armor Question? Mk. VI

    Quote Originally Posted by huttj509 View Post
    The question of the monkey and the hunter:

    A hunter aims his gun at a monkey in a tree. At the same instant the gun is fired, the monkey lets go of the branch he was hanging from.

    How fast does the bullet need to go to hit the monkey, assuming no air resistance, friction, blah blah.
    That ones deceptive because aiming at something with a gun generally means allowing for gravity/range. At which point the monkey letting go DOES matter.

    Stephen E

    edit. I should have kept reading to see others had noted the srious flaw of the question.
    Last edited by Stephen_E; 2010-01-25 at 05:33 AM.