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Thread: getting rid of a DMPC

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: getting rid of a DMPC

    Whatever you do, just don't do this:
    Quote Originally Posted by BobVosh View Post
    Have him Gandalf a Balor. Its the best way to get rid of a DMPC you don't know what to do with. Tolkien Approved.
    This is the perfect example of how a DMPC can be bad for a game, being the star of the show.

    I believe the best course of action depends on how the players feel about him:

    If the players like him, either make him leave for some reason that will be a foreshadowing, or make him die in the hands of an important enemy that you want the players to hate. Or he might be kidnapped.

    If the players don't like him, simply make sure he dies during some random encounter. Make an enemy party ambush the PCs and concentrate fire on the DMPC first, killing him.
    Last edited by Ellye; 2010-01-29 at 09:34 AM.