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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Crack Pairings VI - We've Finally Stooped to Shipping Ourselves

    Quote Originally Posted by Water-Smurf View Post
    Alrighty, I whipped this up yesterday, and I'm sure I'm going to regret it later, after three readings I still can't find something I want to edit. So I give you the long-awaited update of CoP! :D

    It was well worth waiting for. If taking extra time over chapters is what it takes to get writing this good, I'm not complaining. I think I actually had my fingers crossed when Reddy was trying to decide whether to go with V or stay. Oh dear elven gods, I'm really getting worried for V now.

    And now I'm sure that the creature with the bundle is somehow related to V. It seemed to be angry that Reddy didn't stay for some reason...

    Hmmm... you did metion something about time travel a while back. I really am starting to suspect that it's future Crazy!V, or at least something like that.

    Grammer nazi nitpick:
    The doppelganger crept towards the wall, whimpering softly, running its hands nervously along the walls and shoulders rocking with fearful sobs.
    I think it should be 'its shoulders'. If it was 'hands running along the wall and shoulders rocking' it would be okay, but with the verb first it sounds odd.
    Last edited by Zanaril; 2010-01-30 at 04:17 PM.
    This post may contain sarcasm.