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Thread: Spartans RISE!

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Spartans RISE!

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew View Post
    Remember when we are talking about Sparta we are talking about hundreds of years of history. The official stance of Sparta (from what I recall) was like Rome, in that homosexuality was deemed immoral, but that is not to say it did not go on, or that in different periods of time it was less or more acceptable. A lot of folks get obsessed with this idea as though it was Greek only, but in fact the Celts, and apparently the Japanese, had exactly the same feature in their societies. Lurid songs were sung about Caesar by his own men alluding to his relationship with certain older men. Achilles and Patroclus have no sexual relationship in Homer, but it was added later. The bottom line is that homosexuality existed in ancient and medieval times, but was tolerated (or encouraged) to different degrees.
    So the question becomes "around the time of Thermopolyae, to what degree was this existence 'tolerated'?"

    But at any rate, it is inconsequential to the thread at hand (because it can be assumed that the OP already has the "fluff" in mind for his vision of Spartans. And this obliquely related discussion on ancient sexuality certainly has nothing to do with the "crunchy" part.

    I agree to put it to rest.


    Tee hee "fluff".

    That's Athens. . . .
    You sound very sure of this, but I consider my source fairly credible, and I'm sure I'm not confusing the two city states personally. Further, cursory research through google seems to exactly support my source's claims. Perhaps such a discussion would be better suited in another thread, though?
    Last edited by Hallavast; 2010-02-02 at 08:50 AM.