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Thread: Spartans RISE!

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Spartans RISE!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hallavast View Post
    So the question becomes "around the time of Thermopolyae, to what degree was this existence 'tolerated'?"

    But at any rate, it is inconsequential to the thread at hand (because it can be assumed that the OP already has the "fluff" in mind for his vision of Spartans. And this obliquely related discussion on ancient sexuality certainly has nothing to do with the "crunchy" part.

    I agree to put it to rest.


    Tee hee "fluff".

    Edit: You sound very sure of this, but I consider my source fairly credible, and I'm sure I'm not confusing the two city states personally. Further, cursory research through google seems to exactly support my source's claims. Perhaps such a discussion would be better suited in another thread, though?
    Quote Originally Posted by Riffington View Post
    I'm absolutely certain it's Athens: Plato talks about it a lot. Can't promise it never *also* happened in Sparta - what's your source for that? (a credible source would be an ancient Greek, of course. It was too easy for the medievals to get the various Greek city-states confused) but I'd be very interested if you have the data to see it.
    Just to finish this line of inquiry off in this thread, here is a link to a Wikipedia article dealing with the subject: Spartan Pederasty. Basically, some ancient sources say that the relationship was sexual, and others say that it was not. My guess would be that some were and some were not, depending on the preferences of the older man...

    On Topic: A Spartan hoplite in D20/3e should have a special feat enabling him to use the long spear in one hand, in my opinion. Herodotus tells us that the spears of the Greeks were longer than those of the Persians and this gave them an advantage at Thermopylae, which is something I would like to see simulated somehow. I guess there is a good argument for all Spartans being Fighters as compared to other Greeks as Warriors, but maybe it could be Warrior versus Commoner (or some combination of expert and warrior or something). All depends on how you represent a "typical" warrior, I suppose.
    Last edited by Matthew; 2010-02-02 at 09:09 AM.
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