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Thread: The 3.5/Pathfinder Handbook

  1. - Top - End - #114
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Pathfinder Question

    Ok, I am a bit mystified by the its too hard to change stuff. I can buy that monster's can be hard to change (though not the CMB: BA+STR+size. really? that's hard? Unless it has an ability that says it is different, or unless it has Monk levels, its the creature's grapple mod!), but most of the class stuff from other classes seems to be just a matter of spending your new, spiffy skill points on more things, and possibly spicing up some of the weaker classes that now seem bland by comparison.

    Dunno, though, I'm coming from a player perspective, and from my primary GM using a lot more Character antagonists than Monster encounters, so maybe my thinking is biased. [edit: also from a theoretical perspective, since we haven't started playing under PF yet. Which is why I'm trying to keep an open mind to potential faults/challenges)

    RE Paladin: Houserule: only egregious/consistent violations result in Paladin Fall
    Tada! Enjoy your new, improved, Paladin, with cool abilities and an alternate for his mount. :P
    Last edited by Susano-wo; 2010-02-03 at 07:04 PM.