SoD spoilers ahead (No, I don't have the book, this is based on spoilers from other spoilers, but what the heck!):

I understand that the whole purpose of the plan orchestrated by the Dark One is to use the Snarl to force the gods into doing something related to making goblinkind superior (someone please post me a spoiler on this), however the rift is already open in three places, and the view to the other side is, as far as we know, another world, not a Snarl reaching over to destroy it all... for now...

So, with the rift open and nothing happening, despite the fact that Team Evil knows the Snarl has reached out and destroyed whatever it can reach, shouldn't that ring a bell? At least with Redcloak? Shouldn't this be telling him "Hey, the big thing on the other side, the one you're supposed to use to blackmail the gods... the one that destroys passing adventurers from a hole the size of a lemon? Not moving!"

Busy as he is with Gobbotopia, don't you think he should be paying more attention to the fact that there is way less activity in this huge rift than there has been in smaller ones? I mean, one crucial element of the plan is at risk here.

Or, there is once again something I haven't read that explains it...