Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post
I want to apologize for my message before if it was rude. I want to say I do not have a problem with N13 as a character, just I had uncertainty of what her role would be.
If it helps, I didn't think your message came off as rude at all. Just curious.

Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post

I think that N13 is, like you said, different than Tomoya because of their background... The personality of obedience is similar, though it seems N13 will accept orders from any senior where Tomoya will have it justified as being indirectly from the Hokage.

I think it is interesting that both of us thought of the traits of a 'perfect ninja' as being completely loyal and everything else being second importance.
I think their abilities are different, as it seems her skill is in physical fighting, where Tomoya is with Sealing and calligraphy.
But they have a similar set of problems, of self-identity, and meaning of existence. Also they ask the question of 'is a perfect ninja a dehumanized person?' And 'how can such a person find meaning?'
I think these are good questions and will make her an interesting character.

Honestly, I would like to see the two meet. I think they would be interesting together, and it may help to emphasize the points about them that are different. But the similarities are interesting too. One is a girl who was created to be a perfect ninja, while the other is a girl who 'recreated' herself to be a perfect ninja.

I am curious how N13 will develop as a character as well... I would like to hear more of your thoughts on her.
It is an interesting juxtapositions. And I think it would be fairly neat to see the two of them interact. And not to get to close to politics, but from the perspective of those who are in charge of those fighting a war, a perfect soldier from the top is one who follows orders and does what is needed without question. Of course, the question arises what this thought says about humanity and whatnot, but I thought that it would be an interesting route to explore. Which is why I wanted to make her.

Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post
I am also curious of:
How long has N13 been 'alive' ?
How old is she?
I'm still hammering out the details in my own mind, but I was hoping to leave most of the details about her creation and past a bit fuzzy and obscure, focusing instead on her present and future as she develops as a character. That is, I wasn't planning on coming up with any of those details. My idea was that her existence as a thinking individual starts upon her discovery, with her having no memories or knowledge of what came before. Though I have been tossing around the idea of flashes of her creation and training popping up as her story went along. For the sake of strictly OOC details, I'd be willing to say that while she looks youngish and it is nearly impossible to judge her age by appearance, she has been under development for about 18 years at the point of her "liberation."

On a side note, I think I will add in a few more details about her abilities and makeup to flush her out a little more. For one, she would be very very hard to kill. She would be able to keep moving even after receiving wounds that would be lethal to most other people, though not necessarily juggernaut-like. A broken leg or a punctured lung would be just as devastating to her ability to move and fight as it would to anyone else, she would just be less likely to die as a result of it. In addition, though not nearly as fast as, say, Naruto, she heals fairly quickly from her wounds.

The other thought I had was making it so that her blood has been engineered so that it acts as a neuro-toxin to most other forms of life. That is, if one's skin came in contact with it, the area around where it touched would quickly become numb. And if it gets into one's bloodstream, through either a wound or accidental ingestion or something, the result would be a slow spreading paralysis of non-involuntary muscles systems. That is, if her blood gets into somebody's system, the slowly become paralyzed, but it doesn't affect vital systems such as the heart and lungs. N13 would be unaware of this fact, so it would be the kind of thing that might never be discovered or utilized, but there as an interesting ability of hers.

Any thoughts?

If nobody has a problem with it, I'll finish her character entry and hopefully introduce her later on tonight.