Quote Originally Posted by 50cr4t3s View Post
I hate to keep trying to shoot down your ideas,
but I really hate this intro to the Economancer. The only real rule we've been holding our selves to in the building of this city is "Does it make sense?" and quite frankly the Economancers as they're described don't make sense.

First, you say that they step in to keep districts from falling into bankruptcy, but part of the point of the districts we've proposed is that these are the entities that have withstood the test of time and survived to this day and age. Maybe it's just me but I've always imagined that many district that were once part of the city have disappeared, either due to violence or mismanagement.

Second, you say that they "work their incomprehensible magics to fix the economy", this also doesn't make sense because nobody would do business with them. This is a city were a bank is making deals with diabolic forces to turn a profit, unions openly fight corporations on occasion in the Steamworks, and the Twin Dragon saints are in an actual contest to see who can become the most economically powerful. NO ONE WILL DO BUSINESS WITH AN ECONOMY THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND. It is that simple. If the Economancers can simple wave their hands and make your business do better, the entire economy becomes how many Economancers you can recruit to your cause.

Lastly, you say that they strive to maintain balance in the Economy of Ishka, but in reality, economic balance is a bad thing. A perfect balanced economy becomes stagnant and quickly afterward will becomes inadequate. Economic upheaval is a painful and drawn out process, but it is necessary for economies to evolve and adapt to the changes of the society.

I just don't see Economancers fitting in to the setting as you've currently described them.
I'm gonna have to second you one this....Economancers as currently described would not make sense in Ishka

Well, it would almost have to be through a gate, given the rather notable lack of sunlight (at least natural sunlight) on all but the few highest levels (and certainly the lake being at the bottom like it is). Also the fact that buildings are made on the lake would cause trouble for them (even if most just start as having pylons that extend out of the water).

Except for the fact that as written, The Port District is Not on the lake, it's at the other end of the river, which means there is plenty of sunlight and no massive buildings to disrupt the wildlife.