Quote Originally Posted by The Randomizer View Post
Red avenger? Seriously? That's the best you can come up with?

Few ideas you can take inspiration from that I thought up like...just now.

Scarlet Crusader
Blood Knight
Crimson Knight
Cleansing Fire (fire flower)
Crimson Juggernaut
The Unforgivable
Red Nemesis
Well, Red Avenger is pretty simple, and I figured I that would be a pretty good quality in a nickname. I kinda like it so I might just keep it that way.

I do like the name Scarlet Crusader, though. And Crimson Knight. I might change it to Red Scarlet Crimson Avenger Crusader Knight!

Or just the Scarlet Knight. Or Crimson Crusader. That last one's alliteration!

I'll roll a 6-sided dice later to decide. Thanks again, Randomizer.