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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Community Worldbuilding Project [Ishka: Urban and Urbane]

    Quote Originally Posted by BRC View Post
    I imagine that Fire simply does not happen except outside of Stoves, Fireplaces, and Lanterns, and will never spread outside them. Nobody quite knows why, and nobody feels like testing it.
    That, and also the fact that unlike most of the city, all buildings and streets in Ravenshome are made out of stone anyways (so are unlikely to burn). Any possible out of control fires likely vanish similar to any trash or the like that gets left out, and the people who start them as well (thus leaving no sign of any accident as any damage to buildings and the like in Ravenshome seems to be repaired as soon as no one is watching it). It really is a disquieting place to live. Though safe if you stick to the rules (still, I wouldn't advise raising kids there. The constant feeling of being watched and knowing one wrong move could mean your end isn't conductive to healthy development).

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2010-02-22 at 07:19 PM.
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