Do you, in fact, get twice the essentia for being an incarnate//totemist? Or well, rather, do you get a single rather large pool of essentia, or does that count as overlap?

In case it matters, this is given a rather low level of optimization amongst the group as a whole.

I'm leaning towards treating it as sneak attack and sudden strike, which has the general rule of 'you get the faster progression', but I'm curious what the general opinion is.

I admittedly don't forsee this being a particular problem - incarnum synergizes so well with other things that I'm fairly certain that nobody will go incarnum//totemist in specific... but I may as well ask.

Also, in case it matters, our group has the rule that select dual-classes (Such as arcane archer) have their effects kick in if you've taken enough levels of the gestalt combination (So a Rogue//Wizard will get ranged ledgermain). Just extra information in case that influences decisions.