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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Bellingham, WA

    Default Re: "Would you serve in Heaven, or rule in Hell?" [PrC]

    Deranged Template

    [Reserved for fluff]

    Creating a Deranged creature
    "Deranged" is a template that can be added to any outsider or construct with the Law subtype(referred to hereafter as the base creature). A deranged creature has all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

    Size and Type:
    The creature retains it's size and type, but it's Law subtype is removed and replaced with the Chaos subtype.

    Attack: If the deranged creature's weapons overcame damage reduction as though they were lawful, they now overcome it as if it were chaotic instead.

    Special Qualities: A deranged creature retains all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described below.

    Damage Reduction: If the base creature had damage reduction that was only overcome by chaos in some way, it shifts to being overcome by law.

    Anarchic shift (Ex): All that was clear, organized and disciplined in the hierarchist has been warped into madness, chaos and disorder, made into it's polar opposite in every way possible. Any and all of their abilities that provide bonuses for being lawful, protect against chaos or specifically harm chaos are reversed to the opposite. If spell-like abilities the deranged hierarchist has include things such as dictum, it is changed to word of chaos and any smite chaos ability the base creature had is now smite law(though this does not only include spell-like abilities, affecting supernatural abilities as well). Additionally, any spells and effects that would cause a creature to be dominated for any duration now causes them to be confused for an equal duration.

    Abilities: Alter from the base creature as follows: Cha +2, Wis -2. Losing all that was orderly within you has made you terrifying and unpredictable, but this loss of predictability extends to yourself, and much insight into reality is lost.

    Feats: All feats the base creature has that require a lawful alignment are lost, and replaced either with an chaotic equivalent, or if there is no chaotic equivalent, any feat the deranged creature qualifies for.

    Organization: Typically solitary, or in some kind of congregation with other madspawn and deranged heirarchists.

    Challenge Rating: Same as base creature.

    Alignment: Always chaotic, but retains the same moral alignment axis as the base creature.

    Level Adjustment: Same as base creature.
    Last edited by Krimm_Blackleaf; 2010-02-24 at 03:49 AM.
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