Quote Originally Posted by Oslecamo View Post
Storming Celestia? Now that's some epic play! Mind if I ask what level you were? Also those were one shot stuffs right? Your DM allowed some superior stuff, but kept you in check to prevent auto-wins whitout being impossible to pull off if I understand correctly. Guess that works too.
We were... lessee... I was a Dread Necromancer 20/Enchanter 5/Pale Master 10 (advancing the Enchanter). I was pretty high up there. We had a Fighter/Barbarian/Warrior of Darkness/Frenzied Berserker in the party too, along with some other characters, all of whom were in the 30s. This was the final capstone of a long running, deeply disturbing and evil campaign, so no, it wasn't a one-shot. We had already taken over our crystal sphere, and decided to try our hands at godhood by slaughtering the current pantheon (good and evil alike) and taking over. We did too, or well, I did. I betrayed the others to the remaining gods ASAP, then ambushed and killed them too. End result: I was the only deity remaining, ruling over a crystal sphere filled with nothing but undead. It was a glorious ending for my character, since it's just want he wanted.

Also, we all sorta assumed that if we tried serious cheesy stuff the DM would smack us. Oh, and our op skill wasn't so amazing at the time. I mean, Dread Necromancer into Enchanter into Pale Master? Terrible character build. Fun to play though.

The Mythal was also not a one-shot game either. It was in another campaign where I was a Sun Elf Evoker 3/Master Specialist 5/Divine Oracle 2/Magelord 10/Cleric [Corellion Latherian] 5. He was dedicated to the protection of his people, and developed the Mythal to prevent a disaster such as that of Myth Drannor from occurring ever again. He also had hunted down the Gatekeeper's Crystal and kept it personally, so it couldn't be used to shatter his new Mythal. This was obviously in Faerun, by the way. We actually played more past this point, up the point that we eventually died on the front lines of a war between the Seldarine and the orcish pantheon. I personally slew two lesser orcish gods (Baghtru and Yurtrus, if you want to know) before being struck down by Grummsh himself. Corellion avenged me though, so it was all good.

Those were a long time ago though, I haven't played epic levels since.