Forever Curious: The Cursed has a huge mass of necromantic energy, planted to cause as much havoc as possible through the person. This is why creating an army of basically controlled undead kind of fits here.
Then again, it may be more than possible that this class should be lowered from a "general uncontrolled necromancy" theme to a "uncontrolled curse" theme, stripping out much of the class' necromancy. Read on to see the specifics of what I intend.

Dracodei: First, it specifically states that the undead you control are unintelligent (or is this some of that famous internet sarcasm I hear so much about?).
Secondly, renaming everything as improved and superior versions of each other wouldn't work for several reasons. First of all, not all of the improvements that I listed are neat and clean enhancements (despoiled one is more than just an enhancement for undying and twisted reprieve enhances two abilities). Also, even if I did list every ability that way, I'd end up with 4 different "improved" and "superior abilities, something that wouldn't look too nice (ImO).
I could avoid that by putting everything under a single heading (as I did for grim sustenance) but that would only result in 5 class features more wordy than a barbarian's rage (and similarly undesirable).

Nerdanel: See below for my idea on keeping consistency.

My suggested Fix:
1. I remove the dark attraction, dark guardians, dark minions, and unnatural health.
2. I move menacing air to 9th level and move dark dark renewal to 3rd (to compete with a paladin's lay on hands, kind of).
3. At 17th level, I put in an ability that grants you undead immunities while at negative hit points (instead of granting that ability at 20th level) and lets you treat your curse penalty as a bonus against death effects but that ensures your soul is destroyed with your death.
4. state that you lose your supernatural class features whenever you are freed of your curse (which frankly makes more sense anyways).

We end up with a class that gets 2 class features at levels 1, 2, and 3 and 1 class feature each level afterwards.