Quote Originally Posted by Darklord Xavez View Post
Yeah, I agree. That is why I always play a lawful evil character when I am evil. Otherwise there is too much backstabbing. I also give my evil character some funny quirks, such as a soft spot for cute animals.
I have one that seems to have a soft spot for kids, at least to the other players.

He's just Goal-Oriented. That kid WILL die, but we aren't powerful enough to draw attention to ourselves in a city that is the earthly stronghold of Hireoueous. At least, not yet.

I will PERSONALLY burn that city-state to the ground. I will then [Exlative Deleted] every single [Exlative Deleted] until [REDACTED] and then [REDACTED] the [Exlative Deleted][Exlative Deleted][Exlative Deleted].