Quote Originally Posted by thefurmonger View Post
hey all, so I found a List of all the stuff you can summon with Summon Monster Spells. Here

And thats great, but as I play a Druid, not a Wiz/Sor i need a list for SNA.

Anyone know where I can find one?
The creatures you get from Summon Nature's Ally are usually one step above what you'd normally get from a similar Summon Monster spell, so in general druids don't *need* better summons, they've already got them. But with all that "Nature" and whatnot in the spell title... well, they are kinda restricted to dumb, boring... well, *animals*.

However, Druids also get access to the Conjure Ice Beast (Frostburn) and Summon Desert Ally (Sandstorm) line of spells.

Conjure Ice Beast in particular allows you to summon an Ice Beast version of anything you could normally summon with either Summon Nature's Ally or Summon Monster. So you have access to all of the Summon Monster creatures that way. Unfortunately, as Ice Beasts, they lose all their special attacks/qualities. However, you can give them new special attacks, including a cold aura burst with no save and the envelope/swallow whole attack. And since the spells are Conjuration (Creation), there are several buffs that don't kick in, such as Augment Summoning.

Summon Desert Ally has a more limited list of what can be summoned, but on the other hand it's still a Conjuration (Summoning) spell, so Augment Summoning *does* kick in. Like Ice Beasts, they lose all special attacks, but gain a breath weapon and blindsight 60'. Oddly enough, they keep special qualities, but since most of the summonable creatures are animals, this means the best you can hope for is Scent (Ex).