Quote Originally Posted by Closak View Post
Simply put, i was wondering what are the most powerful and/or dangerous BBEG's you guys have ever met?

Alternately, BBEG's that provoke the reaction of "OMG OMG WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE RUN AWAY AHHHH!!!"

I'm kinda curious about your experiences.

All the worst one's i have had are all of the Lovecraftian Eldritch Abomination variety.

The worst non-Elder Evil BBEG has to be that goddamn dragon.
...*Shudders at the memory of that goddamn dragons lair* ...So...many...traps...
Overcomplicated traps that are nigh impossible to detect at that.
And the actual dragon
Psychopatic she-dragon owning our asses. Not pleasant (And coming from me, that's saying something, that dragon was freaking scary)

Who's great idea was it to tick of a Advanced Great Wyrm Red with Class Levels anyway?
Ah yes, the Gygaxian Dragon in a Gygaxian lair. I had a similar one in 2nd Ed that dropped on our ship in the game that spawned my name here and iconic. Being an old school fire mage (from dragon, 1st Ed, they were basically specialist druids only with effective fighter levels), I instinctively threw my cloak over the elven archer to keep her from getting fried (it landed like 15 feet ahead of us right by the bridge and cut loose, hoping to gut the ship), and then replied with a point blank Lead Spray, since I was immune to fire. One lucky roll later (since it required a to hit roll, but no save and capable of critting, d10/level damage) and the thing was dead on the deck, the back of it's head blown clean off. I went up like 5 levels that night, and the quarter-god barbarian leading the party for some reason stopped his "stupid mages" comments.