To summarize my thoughts as of now.

• requires high Wis (Wis Score = 10+Spel level) to cast spells
• gets Cha modifier for spell DCs
• Can cast spells spontaneously at will
• It learns spells as an wizard
• Can choose from any list (archivist does not count as a list)
(Fullcaster spell level -> unchanged) Ex. Magic Missile Wiz 1st -> 1st
(Halfcaster Pal/Rgr/Ass spell level -> +1) Ex. Holy Sword Pal 4th -> 5th

3/4 BAB and good saves

I was planning on them being able to substitute a modified will save to disbelieve instead of AC or saves as an immediate action to turn an attack into a shadow effect. (I still need lots of thought on this though.)

Also I hope to give them the ability to create shadow objects (I need lots of thought and advice on this part. I failed twice at this before: The Hypothetical and the Deluded)

Ability Check:
Deluded Level = ½ Class Level + ¼ ECL (modified from Initiator Level it ToB)
Ability Modifier: Either Wis (reactive) or Cha (active). Cha is used for Spells
Expected to both increase by +7 over 20 levels (from HD, Items and Wishes)
Trendline has a slope of a +4 increase per 10 levels
Progressive Illusion: (used to smooth the progression) +3 at 3rd level +3/5 class levels thereafter
(Borrowed from Advanced Bending class feature on

1d20+Deluded Level + Ability Modifier + Progressive Delusion
DC: 10+8xSpell Level

Success: The spell is cast
Failure: If a check fails the spell still goes off but at a reduced effectiveness. The spell becomes a Shadow Effect with a 10% reduced reality per point under the DC.
Take 10: By spending ten times the casting time they may take 10 on the check.
Take 20: By spending one hundred times the casting time they may take 20 on the check.

All spells gain a Will Save to disbelief that will end the effect for the disbeliever.
All spells have a maximum duration of 1 round / ECL
Only 3+twice class level spells can be maintained at one time.