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Thread: A worthy nemesis

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Itous's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: A worthy nemesis

    i think my character at level 21 a gestalt class + levels in fate spinner could take you, how about a play by post fight?
    i explain in detail how the class works, what feats it has, hp, ac, custom spells, and epic spells, only if your intrested of course.

    The Gestalt class is Warblade + wizard but the wizard doesn't have the standard wizard spell list it has the dread necromancer list but still has ability to cast standard wizard spells, also has cure spells at its disposal (as necromancy is the life force of life AND death its in the PHB)
    Last edited by Itous; 2010-03-13 at 07:13 PM.
    a most exellent thank you to RPGsr4me for the brilliant avatars