The Underdark. The vast maze of twisting caverns and tunnels that stretch beneath the continent of Abir-Toril in a complicated web. A web, much like those spun by the spiders venerated by the drow of the city of Menzoberranzan, Jewel of the Underdark, prime city for the worship of Lolth, the Spider Queen. Here, within the confines of a mile-long cavern, noble Drow Houses struggle against one another for superiority. A constant dance of death and intrigue, driven by the desire for power that touches every citizen from the lowest worker to the Matron Mothers of the eight ruling families. The centers of power within the city are in constant flux, ever shifting as each faction schemes against the others. Only the will of the Spider Queen herself keeps it from breaking into open warfare.

This is the setting of our adventure. When we last left our heroes, as such as they might be called, they had entered into the substantial holdings of House Xar'Cha. The three massive pillars that form the noble family's home were in view, stretching high towards the cavern ceiling above. A foot soldier has broken off from the main collumn and was approaching Memzee, Din, and Raril. The twin draeglolth were still in the carriage with Matron Danube.