Quote Originally Posted by SinisterPenguin View Post
This certainly sounds like an interesting idea. I'd love to participate.

But before we go further (and I apologize if this has been brought up already, I sorta skimmed the last page)...what sort of FTL travel are we using for this 'verse? Wormholes? "Gates"? Alcubierre drives/warp drives? Teleporting? Something else entirely?

This is, of course, assuming that we are using FTL travel at all. Slower-than-light is a possibility as well, though FTL would of course make things a great deal more convenient.
It is a great question but it shouldn't be asked right now.
As you can see on my original post on the idea I would like to this in a series of steps, being "tech" the step number 5. As I agree with a FTL system of travel I don't think this is the time to discuss that.

You guys sure write a lot

I'll finish up my faction idea and I'll read what you've posted