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    Ogre in the Playground
    Darklord Bright's Avatar

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    Wellington, New Zealand

    Default Re: Our Comic Lab in the Playground: An experimentation class

    Quote Originally Posted by MethosHazara View Post
    I really don't want to listen to anyone crying things like "Oh yeah?! But I had the original idea and I don't like where this is going to I'm pulling out and take MY idea with me".
    Hm, I recall having heard near exactly that from someone we've both had dealings with before... In other words: I see what you did there!

    I will say, just as a reference point to others who may want to think up ideas for the Zodohaani, that my inspiration was, on a basic level, Orzhammar from Dragon Age, only if it were mixed with Coruscant from Star Wars.

    Of course, it has also got my own ideas, like the race itself, and the mining operations and such. There's a network of tunnels beneath the city to work with, after all...

    Edit: I might also mention that I would totally love the Police-type warriors to have combine voice distorters. Just sayin'
    Last edited by Darklord Bright; 2010-03-20 at 10:51 PM.