Ok some of you my remember my thread about a new campaing and a new character, well now I have some of the specifics for it and I come from the collective knowledge of the playground.

The setting is a homebrew one, where basically due some cosmic entities, instead of mamalian life developing as controllers of the world, reptilian races (Kobolds, lizardfokls... I believe Yuan-tis were mentioned) are the ones in control. Basically is a world controlled by the saurian races.

Lizardfolk have a militaristic society, where strength is the most appreciated quality.

Kobolds have a more "scientific" world view, they are the wizard, artifecers, etc of the world. Warforged are their creations, they are now experimenting in other types of warforged, the wooden ones, psyforged (in fact one of my buddies is playing the first psyforged ever)

And Yuan-ti are the equivalent of drows in this society, bloody backstabbers who hate other races

While saurians control the world, there are semi-barbaric tribes of humanoids such as elves, humans, dwarfs, etc.

Now conidering the above, does the playground have any idea on how to make the most out of this setting

We are starting at level 1
We are allowed any book, but setting specific stuff is on case by case basis (I am hopping for serpent kingdoms just because it makes sense).
4d6b3 for stats.

I was considering playing a kobold, just because they are awesome, other options are a warforged for a more martial character.