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Thread: [3.5] The Hexblade Homebrew Handbook!

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Mephibosheth's Avatar

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    At the home of the blues

    Default Base Class Variants

    Base Class Variants

    Modified Base Class

    Note: Unless noted here, this version of the hexblade base class is identical to that presented in Complete Warrior.

    Table 1
    1|+1|+2|+0|+2|Hexblade's Curse 1/day, Arcane Talent|-|-|-|-
    2|+2|+3|+0|+3|Arcane Resistance|-|-|-|-
    4|+4|+4|+1|+4|Dark Companion|1|-|-|-
    5|+5|+4|+1|+4|Bonus Feat, Hexblade's Curse 2/day|1|-|-|-
    6|+6/+1|+5|+2|+5|Battle Casting 1/day|2|-|-|-
    7|+7/+2|+5|+2|+5|Greater Hexblade's Curse|2|-|-|-
    8|+8/+3|+6|+2|+6|Battle Casting 2/day|2|1|-|-
    9|+9/+4|+6|+3|+6|Hexblade's Curse 3/day|2|1|-|-
    10|+10/+5|+7|+3|+7|Bonus Feat|2|2|-|-
    11|+11/+6/+1|+7|+3|+7|Battle Casting 3/day|2|2|1|-
    12|+12/+7/+2|+8|+4|+8|Aura of Unluck 1/day|2|2|2|-
    13|+13/+8/+3|+8|+4|+8|Hexblade's Curse 4/day|2|2|2|-
    14|+14/+9/+4|+9|+4|+9|Battle Casting 4/day|3|2|2|1
    15|+15/+10/+5|+9|+5|+9|Bonus Feat|3|2|2|2
    16|+16/+11/+6/+1|+10|+5|+10|Aura of Unluck 2/day|3|3|2|2
    17|+17/+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+10|Hexblade's Curse 5/day|3|3|3|2
    18|+18/+13/+8/+3|+11|+6|+11|Battle Casting 5/day|4|3|3|2
    19|+19/+14/+9/+4|+11|+6|+11|Dire Hexblade's Curse|4|4|4|3
    20|+20/+15/+10/+5|+12|+6|+12|Bonus Feat, Aura of Unluck 3/day|4|4|4|4[/table]

    Class Features:

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hexblades are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields). Because the somatic components required for hexblade spells are simple, a hexblade can cast hexblade spells while wearing light or medium armor and carrying a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a hexblade wearing heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question requires a somatic component. A multiclass hexblade still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells derived from other classes.

    Hexblade’s Curse (Su): As a swift action, a hexblade can unleash a curse upon a foe. The target must be visible to the hexblade and within 60 feet. The target of a Hexblade’s Curse takes a -2 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks and weapon damage rolls for 1 hour thereafter. A successful Will save (DC 10 + ˝ the hexblade’s class level + the hexblade’s Cha modifier) negates the effect though a curse attempt is not wasted if the target saves successfully. A hexblade can use her curse ability a number of times per day as listed on Table 1, with a number of additional daily uses equal to her Charisma modifier. Multiple Hexblade’s Curses don’t stack and any foe that successfully resists the effect cannot be affected by the same Hexblade’s Curse for 24 hours. Any effect that removes or dispels a curse eliminates the effect of a Hexblade’s Curse.

    Arcane Talent: A hexblade’s arcane ability manifests very early in her career. Beginning at 1st level, a hexblade learns 2 cantrips from the Sor/Wiz spell list, which she can use as spell-like abilities a total number of times per day equal to half her level (rounded down) plus her Charisma modifier. Additionally, she learns one new Sor/Wiz cantrip at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20.

    Dark Companion: At 4th level a hexblade can create an illusory companion resembling a panther, spun from the darkness of night, which weakens her foes. The hexblade gains the Dark Companion class feature, as described on p. 47 of the Players Handbook II.

    Bonus Feat: At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th and 20th), a hexblade gains a bonus feat. She may select this feat from the list of [Hex] feats, or from the following list: Combat Casting, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment, necromancy or transmutation only), Spell Focus (enchantment, necromancy or transmutation only), Spell Penetration.

    Battle Casting: At 6th level a hexblade learns to more fully integrate spellcasting and conventional combat. Once per day, a hexblade can cast a spell as a swift action. The spell’s original casting time must be a standard action or quicker. Casting in this way while threatened still provokes an attack of opportunity. As the hexblade gains experience, she can use this ability additional times per day, as shown on Table 1.

    Design Notes
    Most of the changes here are those proposed by the class' original author and posted on the Wizards of the Coast discussion forum (quoted here). In addition, I added the Arcane Talent ability and slightly increased spells per day in order to emphasize the magical nature of the hexblade. In practice, I have found that having so few spells per day provides a disincentive to use your magical abilities for fear of wasting them before the truly climactic combat. An extra spell per day at any given level won't overpower the class and will make it easier to cast spells without worrying about wasting your one shot. The Arcane Talent ability gives the hexblade the ability to use minor magical tricks with greater impunity and makes the class seem more magical.

    Class Variant: Agent of Divine Misfortune

    Hexblade’s Curse
    : An Agent of Divine Misfortune’s curse function as a normal hexblade’s with one exception. While she need not designate a specific deity as the source of her powers, Agent of Divine Misfortune must possess a holy (or unholy) symbol of some sort in order to use this ability. She need not present the holy symbol, but it must be whole, in her possession and easily visible in order for her curse to function.

    Spellcasting: An Agent of Divine Misfortune learns and casts spells as a normal hexblade, with some minor exceptions. An Agent of Divine Misfortune’s spells are divine spells, not arcane spells.

    Like druids, paladins and rangers, an Agent of Divine Misfortune need not designate a specific deity as the source of their spells. However, an Agent of Divine Misfortune cannot cast spells of an alignment that doesn’t match his.

    Finally, add the following spells to the Agent of Divine Misfortune’s class spell list: 1 – Bane, Deathwatch, Doom, Inflict Light Wounds; 2 – Death Knell, Desecrate, Inflict Moderate Wounds; 3 – Bestow Curse, Contagion, Inflict Serious Wounds, Speak with Dead; 4 – Giant Vermin, Inflict Critical Wounds.

    Shield of the Heavens: Once per day, an Agent of Divine Misfortune of 12th level or higher can invoke divine protection from attacks. She gains a deflection bonus to her AC equal to 1 + her Wisdom modifier against melee or ranged attacks. Activating this ability is a free action and the protection lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the Agent of Divine Misfortune’s Charisma modifier (if any).

    At 16th level and higher, an Agent of Divine Misfortune can use this ability twice per day. A 20th level Agent of Divine Misfortune can activate this ability three times per day. This ability replaces the Aura of Unluck ability a normal hexblade gains at 12th level.

    Design Notes
    This variant both increases and decreases the power and versatility of the hexblade. On the one hand, it gives the hexblade new options for spell selection and makes it easier to cast in heavy armor. On the other hand, it bases the hexblade's curse ability on an item that can be lost, stolen, disarmed or sundered and limits the hexblade's ability to curse while hidden or invisible. It also replaces the miss chance granted by Aura of Unluck with the deflection bonus to AC granted by Shield of the Heavens, which seems slightly weaker and easier to overcome than a miss chance to me. It also seems more in keeping with the slightly more direct and overt nature of divine casting.

    Class Variant: Spell-less Hexblade

    The variant hexblade gains all the normal class features of the hexblade, with the following changes and additions.

    Spells: The hexblade does not gain the ability to learn or cast arcane spells.

    Arcane Talent: The hexblade does not gain the Arcane Talent class ability.

    Bonus Feats: At 1st level, 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th and 20th), a hexblade gains a bonus feat. She may select this feat from the list of [Hex] feats or fighter bonus feats. The hexblade must meet all the prerequisites for a bonus feat.

    Battle Casting: The hexblade does not gain the Battle Casting class ability.

    Baleful Aura: Beginning at 6th level, a hexblade learns to project a baleful aura that hinders those around her. A hexblade can activate this aura at will as a swift action and dismiss it or change it as a free action. A hexblade can only have one aura active at a time. The aura ends if the hexblade is dazed, unconscious, stunned, paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated and leaving the radius of the aura ends the effect for that creature. An opponent can make a Will save (DC 10 + ˝ the hexblade’s class level + the hexblade’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect of the aura but must make an additional Will save each time he or she re-enters the aura. The aura affects all non-mindless creatures within a 20 foot radius, though creatures the hexblade considers allies gain a +4 bonus to their Will save to resist the effects. A hexblade can select one aura from the following list at 6th level and another at 8th level and 11th level.
    • Aura of Carelessness: The creature takes a -4 penalty to AC against attacks of opportunity while within the radius of the aura.
    • Aura of Distraction: The creature must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) in order to cast spells within the radius of the aura. The Concentration check DC increases to 20 + spell level at 10th level and 25 + spell level at 15th level.
    • Aura of Fatigue: The creature is fatigued while within the radius of the aura. This condition vanishes immediately upon leaving the aura.
    • Aura of Hesitation: The creature takes a -4 penalty on attacks of opportunity made while within the radius of the aura.
    • Aura of Lethargy: Creatures affected by the aura feel their muscles and senses begin to slow, making even the flattest ground seem rough and treacherous. If a creature fails its save against the aura’s effects, it treats the radius of the aura as rough terrain.

    Malevolent Aura: Beginning at 14th level, a hexblade’s Baleful Aura becomes more powerful. Any time the hexblade uses her Baleful Aura class ability, she can choose to manifest a Malevolent Aura instead. A hexblade can select one aura from the following list at 14th level and another at 18th level. She can also select an additional aura from the list of Baleful Auras instead. A Malevolent Aura functions as a Baleful Aura, except as noted below.
    • Aura of Clumsiness: All creatures within the radius of the aura must make a Fortitude save each round (DC 10 + ˝ the hexblade’s class level + the hexblade’s Cha modifier) or take one point of Dexterity damage. This save replaces the Will save normally necessary to avoid the effects of a hexblade’s aura. During every round in which her aura deals at least one point of Dexterity damage, the hexblade gains a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier. This aura cannot drain an opponent’s Dexterity score below 1.
    • Aura of Inaction: All creatures affected by the aura must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + ˝ the hexblade’s class level + the hexblade’s Cha modifier) each round. Otherwise, they take no actions, although they are not considered helpless. Inactive creatures will avoid attacks as well as they can but are considered flat-footed and will not make attacks of opportunity, five-foot-steps or take any other actions.
    • Aura of Weakness: All creatures within the radius of the aura must make a Fortitude save each round (DC 10 + ˝ the hexblade’s class level + the hexblade’s Cha modifier) or take one point of Strength damage. This save replaces the Will save normally necessary to avoid the effects of a hexblade’s aura. During every round in which her aura deals at least one point of Strength damage, the hexblade gains a bonus to weapon damage rolls equal to her Charisma modifier. This aura cannot drain an opponent’s Strength score below 1.
    • Vampiric Aura: All creatures within the radius of the aura must make a Fortitude save each round (DC 10 + ˝ the hexblade’s class level + the hexblade’s Cha modifier) or take one point of Constitution damage. This save replaces the Will save normally necessary to avoid the effects of a hexblade’s aura. During every round in which her aura drains at least one point of Constitution damage, the hexblade gains fast healing 3. This aura cannot drain an opponent’s Constitution score below 1.

    Alternate Class Feature: Summon Familiar

    Certain hexblades seek a more present manifestation of their abilities than that represented by a dark companion. These hexblades have found a way to bind the spirit of a small creature to their own, gaining a life-long companion and assistant.

    Level: 4th
    Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain a dark companion.
    Benefit: You gain the service of a hexblade's familiar, as described on p. 7 of Complete Warrior.

    Last edited by Mephibosheth; 2013-03-07 at 12:48 PM.
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