Quote Originally Posted by Noble Savant View Post
(Curses. One villager died, but I don't think we could of done anything to help. Lets keep the rest alive, shall we? Also us. So here is what I think we should do. We'll go with Istari's move, Anselm will follow up an kill the mage from M7. Aran moves on, using his Javelin to soften up the Myrmidon. Jalnir should be able to swoop in and kill him. If Aran misses, he'll need the killer edge to do it. Rakken moves up and kill his enemy, Lillian heals him. Does this sound good to my civilian team mates?)
(Umm... I don't think this works on Aran's part. He has only half of his health left: leaving him to attacj range of that nasty mage will be death sentence. Also, he does not carry vulnerary, so he needs services of a healer.

What if I moved Aran to R5 and dropped the villager? That way he could be healed and join combat bit later.)