Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
As for Soon disobeying V?
That made me laugh so hard that all the girls on my floor probably think I've taken something

Quote Originally Posted by Zanaril View Post
He certainly wouldn't want a relationship with V to be a substitute for Mijung, he'd feel far to guilty if he did that. But it could be what starts off the initial spark.
But wouldn't he be afraid to do anything with her? I mean, he can be attracted to Vaarsuvius for Vaarsuvius, but he would have to deal with the possibility that his attraction isn't to her, it's to Mijung, and he's just using V.

And how are they going to react when they realize what's really going on? It's almost an awkward situation; Reddy's still the enemy and an Evil goblin... but V willingly had a relationship with him?
I think it would be awkward for all parties. V would still be hiding the pregnancy, plus having to deal with the reactions about being with Reddy, Redcloak would have to deal with the Order after the realization, and the Order would have to deal with the idea of the two most random people getting it on while they weren't looking. And Xykon would be laughing his ass off in the corner.

How would the Order react to Redcloak, and how would he act after they found out?

You're assuming he's even going to able to tell that she's female...
If she has her period while they're alone together, he would probably notice the signs pretty easily. (How on Earth can you even deal with that stuff as an adventurer?!) Assuming they were together, that probably means that V didn't come prepared for anything much and she wouldn't have any of the materials she would have had if she were traveling with the Order.

Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
Hey, I think if you post anything explicit, it'll get this thread locked and you banned. So don't. It's also why I don't. But I wouldn't have done it anyway, no experience and whatnot. Plus I stand by my tenet: "Implication is so much better than stating it outright."
Don't worry. I've been putting the non-board-appropriate updates and one-shots elsewhere. Besides, Soon/V doesn't necessarily need to be explicit.

Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
Well, there's basically a 50% chance. If not, she could show him... or fool him. He probably has high Wisdom and Charisma, but we haven't seen anything to indicate he has high Intelligence.
I assume he has high Intelligence because it'd be a little hard to lead such a big adventure if he wasn't very sharp. But why would V fool him?

Quote Originally Posted by Roland St. Jude View Post
Sheriff of Moddingham: Indeed. Take the personal problems, drama, and attributes to the Random Banter thread, please.
Oh, right. Sorry, Roland. My fault this time.

Quote Originally Posted by Zanaril View Post
Accidental nudity?
That could work too. She's bathing and he walks in accidentally?