Quote Originally Posted by Cubey View Post
(the message isn't clear on whether it's the Americans or SECT troopers - maybe you should ask about it?)
Cat does ask, and looks over any details that might be available about how the SE's response went, looking to get a feel for its capabilities. Aside from that, she listens to the reports rolling in with the look of contained horror you'd expect to see. Everything is going so wrong, and it's all out of their control...

"I agree with Lorne's plan," she chimes in. "But I don't know how we'd conceal ourselves. We may not have much chance to sneak around without their knowing it." She looks to Ben. "The decision to negotiate has already been made. If we can do it without being seen and setting things off, I agree we should get ready to respond if they try anything, but we were specifically ordered not to attack. Do you think you could get Frank out before they could kill him? Are you willing to bet his life on that?"