Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
Well, Reddy could point out that if V has a half goblin child, she'll be much more disposed to fight for goblin rights. XD A powerful elven wizard is a useful ally, no?
The Dark One probably views elves to be a morally corrupt race, same as humans.

Quote Originally Posted by Zanaril View Post
I can't help but read V's last line as being slightly disappointed.
Don't worry. I'm sure Soon will be sure to Lay on Hands after he's done with the healing.

Maybe she would cite bad parenting skills (and lack of commitment) when arguing against starting a family and a long term relationship?
Then Soon would cite the fact that, unless she was able to miscarry or abort without dying, they're going to be starting a family regardless.

I'm really not sure what they'd do with the little baby. What if Soon's return to life was temporary? Or what if V died during childbirth again and was soul bound?

Wow, actually, what if she died and was soul bound? How would Soon react? I mean, the woman he (presumably) loved is gone again, trapped, and he has this little gurgling bundle of responsibility to look after.

I figured that she was self-righteous enough to assume it was her place to judge everyone.

How long do you think Belkar could fool Soon for? At what point would he realise that Belkar's evil?
I think that Belkar's oh-so-charming personality and attitude would clue Soon in early on, but I think that Soon would hold off on Detecting Evil just so he had plausible deniability and he'd keep an eye on him to make sure no innocents were being ruthlessly murdered.

Quote Originally Posted by Gicko View Post
and she could always act as an ambassitor to the Elvin pepole, see if they can get those elvin insergents out of there.
V doesn't have the Charisma score to convince shopkeepers to raise their price. You really think that she'd work well as an ambassador?

Quote Originally Posted by Debatra View Post
I'm not sure if even Miko is that much "holier than thou".
You underestimate Miko.

Quote Originally Posted by Gicko View Post
2nd question: anyone know if the word for "son without a father" is allowed by the forum rules? i cant remember if its a curse word or not.
It's not censored, so I assume you're allowed to use it, but only sparingly and never towards another poster.