
The guard decides after a few moments to simply nod every once in a while as the Chimera yammers on all the way to the stables. This building is another low cavern, the stalls carved from living rock. A menagerie of beasts are kept here. giant riding lizards, massive armored spiders, dogs with long pointed ears and tiny eyes, Rothe, the Underdark species of cow, bats of all sizes, from small enough to fit in your hand to a pair that were large enough to carry riders. Locked into one stall is a particularly massive beast, with thick armored hide, two sharpened tusks, and a long, prehensile nose. It looks something like a purple elephant. Avatar is led past all of these towards a clean and empty stall.


Raril leads Memzee and Din towards the towers. The path is lined by four pairs of massive pillars, engraved in sweeping lines of drow script inlaid in gold. Each pillar is topped with a bowl filled with flames that shift between purple and blue. At the top of the path is a double door set into a tall, pointed archway. Emblazoned above it is a massive representation of the House Insignia, a spider sitting at the center of an eight sectioned web. It was finely detailed and covered in yet more gold. Eight glittering sapphire eyes peer down at those who travel below.

Inside the entry hall the arachnid theme continues. Golden spiderwebs trace lines across the smoothe stone floor, stretch between the banisters of the sweeping double staircase across the hall. Fat spiders crouch at the base and head of every pillar supporting the balconies above. From the top of the entry hall, another spider hangs on a long rope of silver. Stretched between its claws is yet another web, the gaps between the strands filled with cobalt colored glass. A soft light glows from within, casting blue shadows across the room. A stronger light filters through and orb of golden colored alabaster set into the very center of the chandelier's web, illuminating the room and making every speck of gold shine.

Next, Raril takes them to the right, down a wide hallway, then left down a smaller passage, then takes another right. He's hardly paying attention to where he's actually going, relying on memory to guide him. As they go, the gold become less apparent, the carvings less refined, eventually disappearing all together. Fewer drow walk the halls, too. Back here it seems to be mostly slaves, who are quick to give way to the noble drow. Most bow thier heads and step aside, a few fall to their knees, prostrating themselves. Raril eventually stops at an empty stretch of hallway and turns to stare hard at a blank wall.


"I told you that already. I am Danube." The drowess replies, slightly annoyed that she had to repeat herself. "I am the head of House Xar'Cha, your father's family. Your family. I am Matron Xar'Cha. Ilharess." She explains further. "But you may call me Aunt."