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Thread: [4E] Adventures in Fallcrest - IC

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Haberdashery's Avatar

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    Oct 2009
    On an island!

    Default Re: [4E] Adventures in Fallcrest - IC

    Shep sets his eyes on Patsy, sizing him up. For all he knows, there is another halfling waiting right around the corner to combine with him, and then they'd have a Wholeling on their hands. He shudders at the thought.

    He whistles again to his sheep dog, and points to Patsy. With a small yip, they both take off towards him on light feet. A chill frost begins to form over the blade of Shep's heavy sword as he runs, and he glares at Patsy disapprovingly, as if he were a misbehaving goat. He hefts his sword in an arcing motion as the dog flanks the halfling from the side.


    Move Action
    He and the sheep dog move to engage Patsy.
    Minor Action
    Declaring Hunter's Quarry on Patsy
    Free Action
    Activating the daily power on Shep's Frost Bastard Sword +1
    Standard Action
    Attack Patsy with Paired Predators
    Shep's Attack Roll #1 vs AC: (1d20+9)[18]; Shep's Attack Roll #2 (Due to Lucan's attack) vs AC: (1d20+9)[18]
    Shep's Damage: (2d10+6)[16] plus (1d6)[6] Hunter's Quarry damage plus (1d8)[8] cold damage.
    Dog's Attack Roll #1 vs AC: (1d20+7)[13]; Dog's Attack Roll #2 (Provided, since they're both attacking on the same power he can reroll too, if not, discount this roll) vs AC: [roll]1d20+7[/roll]
    Dog's Damage (1d8+4)[12]
    If Shep's attack hits, Patsy is also slowed until the end of Shep's next turn.
    Last edited by Haberdashery; 2010-03-30 at 01:10 PM.