
Sohssal was impressed and surprised that Shanks had lasted this long. Fortunately for him, Sohssal wasn't annoyed at the prospect of having to find some piece of treasure that wasn't damaged by all the sea water.

Wait, sea water? he realized. His lab...flooded. Sohssal gave a frustrated growl - he'd probably have to build the whole thing again from scratch! And he'd have to root all of them out alone. Omega was too tired, Roger was too useless and he doubted Shanks was properly equipped to deal with a full-fledged elemental invasion. "It'd take too much energy to bring everyone with me to this next part. And from the looks of it, there's an elemental Nexus down there, so you guys probably wouldn't have much to contribute there anyway. Hold the fort until I get back," he explained to them. Then he walked forward and sunk into the water.

He didn't want to listen to anything the elementals had to say. He just moved towards the Nexus, gathering as much energy as he could, for the most powerful binding spells he could muster in his current state. If there was going to be any Nexus in his lab, it was going to be one under his control. And if worst came to worst, it could still make it easier to close the Nexus. Slush formed around his hands as he moved, ready to freeze any water elemental that tried to interfere.