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    Orc in the Playground
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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Community Worldbuilding Project [Ishka: Urban and Urbane]

    What we do have to remember, of course, is that not everybody becomes a ghost. In fact, according to the core rulebooks, it's very rare, as most people move on to the outer planes as soon as they die. I think 5% is good.

    Anyway: Immigrant Episode 2: Beauty and the Mind Flayer

    After Gerald had recovered, Lemmant apologised to Xchi'kanahada.

    'Very sorry, Xchi, you know how some of them can be like.'

    'Oh no, don't worry. You don't work in customs and immigrations for 18 years without somebody calling you a monster.'

    Gereald thought for a second. He had not meant to be so rude, and when he had heard about the city he knew that there would be some strange people. Just, when the thought 'strange people' he thought a couple of elves and dwarves, maybe your odd halfling, not mind flayers and demons!

    Anyway, Gerald had decided he would be an accepting person in the city, and so he would be.

    'I'm very sorry for my behaviour, Mr. Kanahada, I'll be sure to be more accepting in the future.'

    'Don't worry, I'm used to it. And please call me Xchi, for short. My last name is Qvrtlktshanghaktut.'

    'Umm. OK.... Is this rude? It's just that my grandfather once told me about mind flayers-'

    'I prefer the term 'Illithid''

    'Right, Illithids. But, don't you eat brains?'

    The Illithid laughed. Lemmant looked worried.

    'Gerald, Xchi is part of the IIG, you can tell by his badge here. He only eats animal brains.'

    'Although I do sometimes go down to the Necropolis to get something a little more tasty!' Immediately he began laughing again.

    Gerald was feeling thoroughly confused.

    'Umm... The necropolis?'

    Wiping a tear from his eye, Xchi responded. 'Look there's lots you don't know, but first accompany me into the other room, you need to understand some things before you get out into the big wide world, and I'm in charge of getting you settled in.'

    Gerald smiled. 'OK, as long as you don't eat my brain.'

    Xchi had another laughing fit, and Lemmant looked critically at Gerald.

    'OK, get a move on you two, we can't have you blocking up the hallway forever.'

    Reluctantly, Xchi composed himself and led Gerald into the next room.

    'Is it alright if I do some background brain scanning during this interview? It helps me get more detailed answers from you, and helps me to ask the right questions.'

    'Um, OK.'

    'Good, lets get started then. What are your skills.'


    'What to do with beetles? Collecting them, worshipping them, fashioning them out of the primordial life force of the universe... In a city this size, it's good to be as specific as you can.'

    'Well, I suppose I collect them, but it's more like studying them really. I go to the temple often, the one in my village is to Betelgoron, god of cataloguing small insects and other invertebrates. Sometimes I make little models of insects, and Mr Red, that's the head priest, would put them on display.'

    'Betelgoron, you say. I think I saw a shrine to him in the temple district once.'

    Xchi fiddled around with a file for a little, mumbling things like 'no, he's not undead' and 'No, Ravenshome would mess him up, he's a human, not a bleeding Formian.'

    Finally he seemed happy. 'Excellent, there's free space in...'

    ZOMG GUYZ!!!1!1 PLOT VOTE!!1!1!1
    Will Gerald live in....
    a) the temple district
    b) the commons
    c) the academy
    d) the steamworks
    e) the Ishkan republic
    f) other?

    Oh, and apologies for Betelgoron, I'm just a huge fan of ridiculously specific gods.
    Last edited by TheLonelyScribe; 2010-04-04 at 01:35 AM.

    Other stuff: Does this dress make me look like a DRAGON? Rules for Glamerweaving

    Excellent gnome scribe avatar to match my username by licoot.