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Thread: BleachITP Reborn Character Registry

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn Character Registry

    Kondo Family and Shrine
    It is supposed to be a safe place for human characters to plan, meet, heal, or train, like Urahara's shop.

    Houheiden Shrine

    Houheiden Shrine (泰幤殿 神社)

    the Houheiden Shrine stands at the top of a decent sized hill in the less developed side of Fushichou Phoenix Town. Though the Shrine does have a good view of the surrounding area, the hill itself is still heavily forested, providing seclusion but also perhaps limiting visibility from the shrine as well. There is one entrance to the shrine, a stone path of stairs that leads up to the Shrine Grounds.

    Unnecessary information:

    The most important building stands directly to the front up another small flight of stairs: The Sanctuary building where the actual deity is enshrined (Honden), which lies behind the Hall of Offerings where people actually stand to offer their prayers (Heiden).
    Off to the left, there stands another single story traditional building that serves as an administrative section, as well as the place where fortunes and charms can be purchased (shamusho).

    There is the fountain where visitors clean their hands and mouth for ritual purification (temizuya) which stands next to the Gateway (torii) that marks the end of the flight of stone steps. Flanking the entrance way at the end of the stairs are two lion-dog statues (koma-inu) that serve as traditional guardians to the Shrine. The steps extend down for about almost three hundred meters, and though the incline isn't terribly steep, it is still a good distance uphill coming up to it. The stairs are flanked by woods - it's a relatively serene walk. At the base of the stairs the stone pathway flattens out for about ten meters or so, and there is another gate that marks the entrance to the shrine's 'domain.' The trees stop, and there is a sidewalk and road that the pathway ends at rather abruptly...and then one is in the 'city.' The shrine lies on a sleepier edge of the city.

    The Shrine is, like all shrines, a gate to the spiritual world. It is a pure place that lies on such a boundary. Seireitei can use the Torii gate of this shrine as an entrance to the world, so long as it obeys 犯幅戒絶対酷評 (please see Sayaka's sheet).

    Houheiden Shrine Family

    近藤 桜弥香
    Kondo Sayaka
    Age: 16
    Height: 152 cm
    Speaking color: #008899
    Appearance: Sayaka's eyes are a tinted green, and her hair a dark blue/black color. Her hair is fastened in front and pulled to her right shoulder with a hair tie. Most often to be seen in her shrine robes as she works, yet she may also be seen in her school uniform occasionally.


    Personality: Most of her classmates know of her because they have seen her working at the shrine around holidays, and though she is friendly and a little shy, they have never expected her dual-life nature to be this big. She comes across as a slightly shy, if modest girl- friendly to those that would approach her, with a hint of grace to her. She is very earnest and though she has great self discipline, she is still a high school student.

    After her age was regressed in a supernatural incident, she seems a little more vulnerable and outspoken, but not as cold and distant as she used to be. She is stressed due to the adjustments to her life that have happened, even if she doesn't understand some. But she is starting to rely on others and try to make more friends. Before incident, Sayaka was conflicted between attempting for 'normal life' and her family position, but had never acted to change her path until now. Beginning to adjust to her new life, she is trying to make the most of her chance for a second life, and also is starting to embrace her own identity and path.

    After the recent incidents though, she is becoming opposed to Hollows more surely, which may influence her on the shinigami. Certainly to her classmates, she is willing to help them however she can.

    Background:Sayaka is now a first year high school student. Due to her age regression in a supernatural incident, no one seems to remember her as a former second year student. So, while she had been the 2nd year class's Health Officer, that has been changed. Her record and attendance in the Japanese archery club is also gone, though she has been thinking to join again now...But she will have to start from the beginning. She wants to apply to be Health Officer again, and seems much more interested in school and her friends.

    Perhaps one other difference is that while she had had a very bad attendance record and few friends, now that past is gone too, giving her a new chance to preform well in school. So far she has had perfect attendance and is doing well in her classes.

    Outside of school, she lives at the Houheiden Shrine, her father (Haruaki) being the priest there. What isn't known about her is that Sayaka's family has long been involved in spiritual affairs. Rather, she's the heir in the family line that has lasted since ancient days. Sayaka does have her family job to perform, so she must wake up early and help in the evenings with taking care of the shrine. Now that Ken has moved into the Shrine with her family, she is teaching him to help out while her father is training him.


    弓と御札 (Bow and Paper Talismans)
    Sayaka's ability to 'attack' is using paper talismans either attached or shot with her bow. It is not a spiritual bow like a quincy, so it's usefulness is only within the human world. The talismans are paper and are made to hold or purify evil. They may be used to protect an area from hollows coming within, like a miniature border, but it's effect wears off after some time.

    応急処置訓練 (First Aid Training)
    Sayaka has a limited ability to heal, but knows her first aid well, and may be able to stabilize an injured person. They should go to her father, or a hospital later.

    御守 (Talismans)
    These talismans are for protecting such things as health or traffic safety, or to help school examinations, and are useful to humans. Maybe it is not so useful for spiritual beings, but Sayaka probably would sell them anyway if it was desired.

    御神籤 (Paper fortune)
    It is tradition to receive these at shrines, and it will hint at your future to come. Be careful of 'Curse' fortunes.

    地方の守護 (Protection of Localness)
    The Shrine is sacred space, a dedicated land between the earth and sky, and life and death. Because it is such a place, the job of Sayaka and her father is to maintain it's peacefulness and neutrality. This is done with 犯幅戒絶対酷評. There are a small number of people who come quaintly to this shrine pray and ask for services, so it is not unknown.

    犯幅戒絶対酷評 (Absolute castigation of transgressors)
    The area of the shrine is an area of no conflict. Aggressive weaponry and spiritual powers and abilities come to no effect here, and seem only as illusory images. So a shinigami may appear to have a sword, but it cannot strike. A Quincy may appear to have a bow, but it cannot pierce. Naturally hollows cannot enter the shrine's area anyway, so it is a safe place. Of course so too is Sayaka and Haruaki's aggressive spiritual powers cannot be used in such a place. Noncombat abilities like healing are okay to use in such a place. Of course physical strength is not an illusion, but to threaten risks banishment.

    Her Father:

    近藤 晴明
    Kondo Haruaki
    Age: 43
    Height: 176 cm
    Appearance: Tall with closed eyes and a calm smile, Haruaki wears robes of the shrine when he is there, otherwise wears jeans and casual shirts.
    Personality: A little quirky, he loves to play affectionately in a humorous manner, to the exasperation of his daughter. Yet he is also a very perceptive and serious father, with very studied knowledge and experience with the supernatural. With just a simple opening of his eyes, one can see the change from buffoon to teacher and priest. There is something mysterious about him still. Maybe he has connections?

    Role: Maintains the Houheiden shrine with his daughter Sayaka, who he dotes on. He preforms many services and likely will become something of a mentor or source of information for the humans who get spiritual powers. In addition, the Shrine may become something of a place to rest, heal, or train, for the humans... though it is not a 'playground' as he would say.
    Please see Sayaka's sheet.
    He is of greater spiritual power, and can use prayers in form of chanting. Something kind of like Kido or Bakudo, but there is no shortened form for these prayers.

    My partner character for Purple Rose's mortal human Takara.

    襟巻 "Eri" (Erima)


    Age: 108 (looks like a 16 year old student)
    Type: Tsukumogami (please see 'Nature and Abilities')
    Height: 160cm
    • In human form, Eri appears as a student of the same age as Takara. She wears her hair with a ribbon tied in it, generally patterned or colored, and prone to being changed by day.
      Often it actually is patterned in the style of whatever pattern or color she last was appearing as when she was a scarf.
      Her appearance is unimposing, and though she has good posture, often she is seen lazily in class, though she is quite proficient in PE.
    • (Human form)
    • Other (see below)
      Being a scarf otherwise, she can appear in different shapes and sizes, as well as color or pattern to match an outfit.


    A practical and deliberate being, Eri gives off a little bit of an air of 'coolness' though she is very 'down-to-earth.' She is quiet and serious most of the time, not that she is anti-social (she actually really enjoys learning and talking to people deep within), but she is wary of her own lack of experience in conversation and perhaps the certain oddities of her character. She maybe even is a little shy.
    Certainly proud and confident in her own nature and ability, she nonetheless is a 'straight-man' kind of character, who is constantly put off-balance by the energetic and excitable Takara.
    Of course, part of this is due to her lack of ability to accurately predict human nature, though Takara's often compulsive attitude does not make this easy anyway.
    She is something of a 'tsukkomi' or 'tsundere' kind of character. Sometimes Eri tries to distance herself from 'humans' but actually greatly enjoys their presence. She is a little ignorant of a lot of things still in human life, but yet is very perceptive on people's feelings, even if the motivations behind them are difficult to understand for her.

    Eri is a tsukumogami- a 'youkai' who became alive, but was originally an object. Her original form is a scarf, made by the great-grandmother of Takara. She was well cared for and worn by both Takara's grandmother and mother. Somehow, she ended up in storage with other things as Takara's family settled became a little better off after the war. Having been used and then neglected for 100 years, she can assume a human form at will, and she has a monstrous form (her 'youkai' form).
    She likely would have become an angry and vengeful spirit, except Takara appeared and 'adopted' her, finding the scarf within the attic of her house. Playing with it often when she was younger, one day while playing the scarf became a human somewhat like her, and they became friends. Since then, they have quite been inseparable.
    Nature and Abilities

    Being a supernatural existence, Eri can see ghosts and other spiritual beings. Being a tsukumogami, her original form is a scarf, made by the great-grandmother of Takara. Having been used and then neglected for 100 years, she can assume a human form at will, though because of her bond with Takara's family, if 'wielded' or 'held' by one of their family members, she cannot return to human form until released.
    A Good Muffler:
    • As a 'shapeshift object' she can change her form slightly within reason. For example,as a scarf she can become longer or thicker, change color and pattern. This makes her a valuable accessory (sometimes to her chagrin) to Takara.
    • Under Eri's own power, she can do such things as turn one of her arms into part of a scarf- but such a thing is frightening for humans and she considers it extremely poor taste. An insult to both humans and to youkai.

    Wearing: When Eri changes between forms, she returns to her other form in the appearance of what she was like before. For scarf, this means that what pattern/color her last form was (which can be changed then easily). For a human, this means she is wearing whatever she was wearing before she changed.
    Injury: When she is wounded, this will affect her between forms. For a scarf, she maybe appears more worn and frayed. For a human, she may be scratched or bleeding. For her monstrous form it may be a combination of the two.
    Combat monstrous form: The 'monstrous' form of Eri is the scarf, much elongated, and yet seemingly (for those with spiritual vision) emitting a dangerous, purple aura. The ends of the scarf are razor sharp claws, and the whole form is animate and strongly resistant to slashing weapons. Often though when worn, Takara controls her. Quickly slashing and striking like arms or serpents themselves, it would be difficult to approach Takara easily. Eri's more 'youkai' nature comes out, and she generally is more inclined to violence and enjoys causing fear.


    Because of her actual nature as a scarf, Eri isn't bothered by cold weather. For example, her hands are always warm to touch, though this slight strangeness has in the past caused people to think that she in fact has a fever when she does not. Likewise, the opposite is true in summer. While she is fine in cold weather, she is not fond of hot weather.
    Often Eri seems a little weary or gloomy. It is likely because she has exerted her power too much, or not gotten enough sleep. If forcibly wielded as a weapon in monstrous form by Takara, Eri is generally weary and tired after it (which tends to make her less agreeable). If she's very tired maybe she'll just sleep where she is, or become a scarf for a while.
    Youkai nature
    • Because she is a Tsukumogami, she cannot enter into holy grounds like Shrines or Temples in human form. Even though she can normally communicate with Eri while a scarf, she is completely silent, as if just a normal scarf within such places. Obviously she would prefer not to go to such a place, and if she has the option, she will refuse to accompany Eri (or whoever she is with) into the place. If pulled forcibly into the grounds, she will automatically become a normal scarf (like above) until they leave.
    • In human form, she very faintly gives off a trace of supernatural energy, though trained priests or other supernatural creatures probably are the only ones who could identify that aura as being a youkai. This trace of energy is from the 'magic' of gaining a human form. It is something like a 'gigai' except a real body. (If you would please, talk to me in a pm before assuming your character can look at her and tell instantly what she is. I am happy to work things out, but this is not the case of her being a ghost or spirit, for those who can see such things.)
    • When she is in scarf form, she gives off no such energy and is just a scarf. In her combat form, this energy is much more visible (and can likely be noticed even by the other spiritually aware mortals).

    Abomination of Life
    Eri absolutely hates and is terrified of moths and other cloth-eating insects. She will slay them wherever they are and whenever she finds one if she can. On the last school trip to the zoo, at the Insect-Viewing Place she was forced to leave after 'causing disturbance' inside the building. Though most students probably just think she dislikes insects (it is not untrue).

    Abomination of False Life
    Like all Tsukumogami, Eri greatly dislikes and distrusts (is also maybe even a little afraid, though she won't ever admit it) of electric devices. Lights are okay, but she hates even such things as crosswalk signs or computers. Even microwaves and most certainly automatic doors. She doesn't trust them at all, but grudgingly accepts them. She will avoid interacting with such things if at all possible, which might lead to occasional awkward or humorous situations.
    She has skipped every Computers class, and writes everything by pen or pencil. She struggles in math but is too proud to ask for help (because of calculators). Likewise, it goes without saying she has no cellular phone. If one wants to contact her, it would be good to ask Takara, because Eri won't even answer a telephone.

    My partner character for nothingclever's mortal human Ren.

    飾 (“Kazari”)

    Age: 103 (Human Age: 13)
    Type: Tsukumogami (please see 'Nature and Abilities')
    Height: 145cm
    In human form, Kazari appears as a young junior high school student. She wears her hair most often in 2 pigtails and keeps her appearance very clean. She appears as a good student and unimposing, but this attitude can change to a critical one with a dark side sometimes.
    (Human form)


    Kazari seems to be most often a polite and quiet girl. She is serious most of the time, not that she is anti-social (she actually really enjoys learning and talking to people deep within), but she is aware of her own little experience, and easily flustered for a long conversation. She likes to be helpful to others and uses those chance to start talking.
    Certainly proud and confident in her nature and ability, she is a 'straight-man' kind of character, who is constantly put off-balance by playful and outgoing Ren. Sometimes Kazari tries to distance herself from 'humans' but actually greatly enjoys their presence. She is ignorant of a lot of things still in human life, but yet is very perceptive and responding of people's feelings, even if motivations behind them are difficult to understand for her.

    Kazari is a tsukumogami- a 'youkai' who became alive, but was originally an object. Her original form is a necklace and pendant, made long ago within Ren's family. She was treasured and used as an heirloom for a long time. One day 3 years ago, when she was being polished by Ren, she became a person like a little sister to him. He accepted her and supported her, and his parents agreed to 'adopt' her, and so for 3 years she has lived with the family now.
    Nature and Abilities

    Being a supernatural existence, Kazari can clearly see and sense ghosts and other spiritual beings. Being a tsukumogami, her original form is a necklace and pendant. Having been used and then neglected for 100 years, she can assume a human form at will, though because of her bond with Ren's family, if 'worn' or 'held' by one of their family members, she cannot return to human form until released.
    A Beautiful Necklace:
    • As a 'shapeshift object' she can change her form slightly within it's category of object. For example,as a necklace she can become longer chain or change the jewel color. This can be a way she can show emotion. Of course, Ren can alter her to suit his appearance too.
    • Under Kazari's own power, she can do such things as turn one of her arms into part of a necklace chain- but such a thing is frightening for humans and she considers it extremely embarrassing. An insult to both humans and to youkai.

    Wearing: When Kazari changes between forms, she returns to her other form in the appearance of what she was like before. For object form, this means that what pattern/color her last form was (which can be changed then easily). For a human, this change would affect her clothes, and the opposite.
    Injury: When she is wounded, this will affect her between forms. For a necklace, she maybe appears more 'tarnished' or scratched. For a human, she may be scratched or bleeding.
    Monstrous form: A tsukumogami is not a harmless youkai, and in this form it may in humans be unsettling, like a nightmare or bad uncomfortable feeling. Kazari is not a combat focused tsukumogami however, so the increase to her strength, speed, and endurance are not so great. In this form her spiritual energy appears in an eerie dark purple and red aura, and her eyes glow in darkness as well. Any spiritually aware entity can see and identify her as a youkai spirit with this. Humans who cannot see ghosts or spirits likely will be the most unsettled by this.


    Often Kazari seems polite and well mannered. It is because of being a beauty object. If she becomes annoyed or is very tired she often makes complaint and seems immature.
    Youkai nature
    • Because she is a Tsukumogami, she cannot enter into holy grounds like Shrines or Temples in human form. Even though she can normally communicate with Ren while a necklace, she is completely silent, as if just a normal necklace within such places. Obviously she would prefer not to go to such a place, and if she has the option, she will politely refuse to accompany Ren (or whoever she is with) into the place. If pulled forcibly into the grounds, she will automatically become a normal necklace (like above) until they leave.
    • In human form, she very faintly gives off a trace of supernatural energy, though trained priests or other supernatural creatures probably are the only ones who could identify that aura as being a youkai. This trace of energy is from the 'magic' of gaining a human form. It is something like a 'gigai' except a real body. (If you would please, talk to me in a pm before assuming your character can look at her and tell instantly what she is. I am happy to discuss a plan, but this is not the case of her being a ghost or spirit, for those who can see such things.)
    • When she is in necklace form, she gives off no such energy and is just a necklace. In her monstrous form, this energy is much more visible (and can likely be noticed even by the other spiritually aware mortals) Please see 'Monstrous Form' description above.

    Abomination of False Life
    Like all Tsukumogami, Kazari greatly dislikes and distrusts (is also maybe even a little afraid, though she won't ever admit it) of electric devices. Lights are okay, but she hates even such things as crosswalk signs or computers. Even microwaves and most certainly automatic doors. She doesn't trust them at all, but grudgingly accepts them. She will avoid interacting with such things if at all possible, which might lead to occasional awkward or humorous situations. Being quite shy about these kinds of things, still she may be embarrassed and try to hide it.

    Special Ability: Healing
    Kazari is capable of using her spiritual energy to heal herself or others. To heal herself, it is almost an unconscious trait. A trait of a youkai. It would seem she does not stay injured for very long, though healing makes her tired quickly. To heal others takes longer and she must be touching them for that time. It also uses more energy, so she may quickly become tired to do this. Becoming too tired, and she will fall asleep or return to being a necklace.

    岡地 佳紀 ("Okaji Kaki")

    Age: 44 (17 appear)
    Hair: Green
    Eyes: Gold
    Reiatsu: Dust, it seems thin and weak, but it is spread very widely around her. Subtle.
    Rank: 4th seat, 9th Division (maybe soon to be vice captain?)

    Appearance: A short young woman, Kaki seems more like she is still an academy student. Her defining features are green hair and unusual gold eyes.

    A calm and collected girl, she doesn't seem easily upset by things. Maybe she seems a little aloof. But it is the personality of a young person who wants to be seen with dignity and grace. She is very diligent of taking notes and observations, to do paperwork and essay, and seems to often offer an opinion that is older than she looks. She has a strong spirit and determination that is more than she seems. A very straight-laced junior.


    Born in Soul Society, her father is a researcher in the 12th division, who gave her the hanafuda cards that she uses now. She had an uneventful early life, but entered the Academy at an extremely young age. It was expected with her intelligence she would preform well in science and join her father in 12th division, but she was more interested in Kido.

    During her time in the Academy, she was a very gifted student in Kido, because of her excellent memory. A recent Academy graduate, Kaki was promoted quickly in the last year due to her strong performance on 12 different assignments, and the recent loss of members in the 9th division. She is considered by some to be a prodigy of Kido, but is overshadowed because of some of some other more famous characters, like the former Kido Corps Commander. Maybe with time, she will earn recognition.

    Something Extra:
    The powerful and delicious coffee of 9th Division is somewhat famous. It is known to be useful for 13th division members on long patrols, and maybe even in 12th division for the researchers. It is the famous Okaji style coffee, Kaki learned of it from her father, who rarely sleeps with his research job at 12th division. Kaki has learned to make this coffee quite strongly, and though Vice Captain Goto never drinks it, Kaki makes certain that the 9th division building always has coffee ready for drinking.
    Sometimes she can be seen to make deliveries to other divisions if there is request.
    Where is coffee grown in Soul Society? It is a secret I think.

    Something Extra 2:

    The hairpin worn by Kaki is changed every month. It is rumored if it is asked about, Kaki will be happy.

    Something Extra 3:
    The ghost phone used by Kaki is said to be a fashionable style for young people in soul society, but does not suit her personality and job.

    General Skills:

    Zanjutsu: This is not the speciality of Kaki, though she is training hard to meet the expectations of her superiors. Her zanpakutou's nature makes this hard however. She uses her speed to quickly enter and leave close range.

    Hakuda: No she cannot very well.

    Hoho: All of 9th division members must be skilled at this, and Kaki is very precise in footwork. She is very accurate, and one of the fastest of seated members, though she doesn't seem like it. For 9th division scouts, it is a necessary skill, and she has good stamina of shunpo technique.

    Kido: This is Kaki's other skill specialty from Shunpo. She is very strong in Scout techniques and also Geomancing. Of elements, her choice is normally Earth or Lightning. She is very skilled in recording, analysis and creation of area wards and hiding her presence.

    Reiryoku: Her spiritual presence feels very weak, and is not very centered. It is dispersed in the area, which lets her feel around her in a 10 meter radius. If she focuses, she can extend this much further. It does make her difficult to locate, though one simply must guess within the area where she may be.

    Sensor: She is, like some scouts of 9th, a reiryoku sensor, capable of detecting, identifying, and tracking spiritual energy over many kilometers. With kido and tools, to be a 4th seat of 9th Division, it is to mean she is perhaps 4th best scout in Soul Society, and of course one of the best sensors.


    The tool that allows Kaki her skill, it is a set of Hanafuda cards, which she uses with Kido for many things: scouting, creating maps, distractions, divinations, and some others.

    Seasons: Of course there are 4 seasons, and are to connect to a direction.
    Suits: There are 12 suits of flowers, and they have a month, which is so divided also to season. So it is a 12/12/4 system, and to have 3 suits to 1 season.
    Cards: Each flower suit has 4 cards.
    In total, there are 48 cards, which also relate to the 48 kido she is very familiar with. Because of such a trait, she was sometimes called nickname "Twelve", but maybe it was a joke for her young appearance at academy too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sucrose View Post
    -Kaki knows at least 48 Kido
    -For each of these Kido, she has identified at least one Hanafuda card that can be associated with it
    -Using such a Hanafuda card, she can create a modified form of the Kido
    -One Hanafuda card can be used with multiple basic Kido techniques
    -One basic Kido technique can be modified by multiple Hanafuda cards, so long as the association still makes sense.

    Zanpakutou: 燕子花 (Kakitsubata )

    In it's sealed form, Kakitsubata is a normal wakizashi. When on assignment, Kaki keeps it on her back. In soul society, it is on her side.

    Kakitsubata transforms into the smaller form of a tanto Kaki keeps in her robes.

    覚えれ,燕子花! Oboere, Kakitsubata!
    The first ability of Kaki's shikai is a memorization power. To point the zanpakutou at a target, it's unique spiritual energy is memorized by Kaki, allowing her to track it across great distances using her sensor abilities and kido. It can also be used to memorize a book, or a location in a very quick period of time. Of course, the information will be eventually forgotten.

    掏り替えれ,燕子花! Surikaere, Kakitsubata!

    The second ability of Kaki's sword lets her to switch places with a target within 70 meters when she swings her sword. The target appears where she was standing, and she appears where the target was. She can choose freely to use or not use this in a sword strke. The target object or person must weigh at least half of her weight (so she cannot switch with a notebook or something like this). It is an instant effect. Motion and speed remains, so it does not stop someone moving when switched, just where they are and maybe their direction.

    Bankai: Not achieved
    Last edited by Kasanip; 2011-05-22 at 05:03 AM.
    Kasanip's Sketchbook 2 Thread
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