Hi there!

I'm DMing a campaign which takes place in a sort of pseudo-egyptian country, and now my cleric player wants to know how to make mummies (only for defense, she promised me) and I don't really know were to start (I was thinking of just adding the template in Libris Mortis, that's the easiest way). Maybe something requiring Profession (Herbalist)? (I saw that Anubis in Dieties & Demigods had a lot of that skill, so maybe it's important in Mummy-making?)

Any one of you have any idea? XP cost should be part of it I guess, makes sense to me...

thanks for any advice!
/ Rensvind

PS. I just can't hold it in, one of my players learned how unpredictable the Reincarnate spell can be After a little homebrewing of the spell (which all players agreed on) dices were rolled openly, and our overly aggressive Male Halfling Barbarian (think chibi-wolverine) was reborn as a Female Elf
That'll teach him not to go toe-to-toe with the miniboss every single time DS