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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard

    1. Mechanically, Harry looks more like a spontaneous caster rather than a prepared caster. His spell repertoire is also quite limited. He seems to be relying a lot on the standard "Fuego" (Scorching Ray?), "Forzare" (Battering Ram?), and "Ventas Servitas" (Gust of Wind?).

    2. Ritual casting. Most of his rituals involve summoning extraplanar creatures for gathering information, or divination spells. He could have a few levels of wizard and a spellbook full of Conjuration and Divination spells.

    3. Skills. Craft Alchemy (and Brew Potion). Gather Information. Knowledge Local, the Planes, Arcana, and Pop Culture.

    4. Bob. Probably counts as an assistant for Harry's potion crafting and knowledge checks. I am not sure what type of a creature he could be. Also not sure if Bob qualifies as a familiar.

    5. Blasting rod and staff. Both serve more as focus for his spells rather than storing spell charges. Regarding the fact that Harry uses a lot of "Fuego", his staff could be a Runestaff of Fire or Evocation (Magic Item Compendium). The rod could be a Metamagic Rod of Empower Spell.

    6. Kinetic rings. The closest match I could find is the Ring of the Ram in the DMG. Maybe one that replenishes its charges?

    7. Shield bracelet works almost like a Ring of Force Shield (DMG). His leather duster is a Shirt of Resilience (MIC).

    8. Ability scores. I'd say average Strength and Dexterity. Above average Constitution. Good Intelligence. Not sure about Wisdom. And phenomenal Charisma. Even the White Council is more worried about Harry's collection of allies than Harry himself.

    9. The Sight. I can't find any one spell that fits the mechanics of this. It looks like a little of True Seeing and Know Alignment. At-will, with some Will saves to avoid insanity for looking at creatures like the skinwalker.

    Now to stat out Harry himself. I went through the arcane spell lists to find analogues of Harry's spells. I would say, Harry is capable of casting at least level 5 spells (Lesser Planar Binding and Contact Other Plane). Assuming Harry casts his fire spells from his runestaff, then we can use a wizard instead of a sorcerer. Based off his highest level equipment, I'd go with runestaff of fire (L12 item), lesser metamagic rod of empower spell (L12), leather duster of resilience (L13 item).

    Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden
    Male human Wizard 10 / Sorcerer 3
    CG Medium humanoid
    Languages: English, Latin ("Damned correspondence course"), Fey
    Abilities: Str 10; Dex 11; Con 12; Int 16; Wis 12; Cha 18
    S.Abilities: The Sight; Walking Techbane

    Spells known:
    5: Lesser Planar Binding; Contact Other Plane
    4: Orb of Force; Otiluke's Resilient Sphere; Wall of Fire
    3: Fireball; Invisibility Sphere; Magic Circle against Evil; Wind Wall
    2: Battering Ram; Fireburst; Gust of Wind; Scorching Ray; Unseen Crafter
    1: Forcewave; Magecraft; Orb of Fire; Shield; Unseen Servant

    Equipment: bracelet of force shield; leather duster of resilience; lesser metamagic rod of empower spell; runestaff of fire; ring of battering ram

    EDIT: At least, this is how he appears in the campaign I'm DMing in
    Last edited by Vilyathas; 2010-04-09 at 04:12 AM.