On the subject of the Vow of Poverty, could it apply to the caretaker of a blatantly magical place?

An immortal spellcaster ascetic dedicates his life to the maintenance of an ancient, now entirely unoccupied magical college/holy cathedral, depending on whether he's arcane or divine in nature. While he constantly rebuilds, maintains, repairs, and recharges all of the special features of the location, he never believes that he "owns" the place, simply that he is the rightful caretaker until it becomes occupied once more. When threatened, he calls upon the location to defend itself, but does not actively order/use the embedded powers. He calls upon legions of animated armor or turns on automated spell turrets, but does nothing as presumptuous as picking up a holy sword or magic staff and using it against the interlopers.

In his spare time, he reads and memorizes the endless books and scriptures held in the libraries.

Does this fall under the Vow?