Quote Originally Posted by Djinn_In_Tonic View Post
Damn straight! We may be destined to live in boxes all our lives, but we've got the stories and knowledge to at least make it an interesting time!

We're like the Virtuous Heathens of the business world, only instead of a wonderful abode on the first layer of hell, we have a cardboard box town in the streets.
I'm attempting not to live in a box, since I'm getting my MBA, but I LOVE the looks of confusion upon peoples face when they ask my undergraduate degree.



"Ancient Greek and Latin."

"Oh...well, uh...what could you do with that?"

"Nothing, that's why I'm getting my MBA. "

Apparently, this switcheroo wasn't a horrible idea after all. I'm hoping to get in to marketing, and both professors and professionals I've spoken with seem to be under the impression that having such a non-businessy degree is a boon for a marketer.