Quote Originally Posted by Closet_Skeleton View Post
There are some truly broken theme lists out there.
All-Scout SM List - Pedro Kantor => All Sternguard/Scout list
Raven Guard
I'm actually *Headdesking*. I've found a use for Kor'Sarro. He gives Tactical Genius to most of your army. Outflanking Land Raiders. Gogogo...Although you can get Reactive Deployment in other ways without needing Kor'Sarro; Kahn is the only one who will let you do it with a Land Raider.
All-Slaanesh CSM List
All-Nurgle Chaos Daemons army with Epidemius and Ku'Gath (needs two Uniques to work, think about it)
A Blood Angels army built around Astorath.
Mechanised (as in; Land Raiders) Blood Angels
Mechanised (as in; Land Raiders) Black Templars
Infantry Guard
Vehicle Guard (Imperial Guard are b0rked)
The Necron Phalanx
Any Dark Eldar list that has lots of Raiders and Incubi (i.e; All Dark Eldar Lists)
Eldar Jetbike armies.
Wazdakka Gutzmek and friends.
Mad Dok Grotsnik and friends.
Three Rune Priests and Njal Stormcaller.

All these are Themed Lists, and still ridiculously powerful.