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Thread: Spell casting house rules.

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    Milskidasith's Avatar

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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Spell casting house rules.

    So it makes spellcasters more powerful, and puts all metamagic at a cost of one?

    EDIT: I misread; it now makes metamagic cost slightly more for no real reason.

    Also, sorc's are still screwed; faster energy regeneration is hardly useful when you barely ever run out of spells anyway.

    EDIT: I'd suggest if you want sorcs to be more powerful, have them recharge spell slots faster, rather than energy. Also, I'd suggest a full round action to get, say, two rounds of spells recharged (along with the normal one) so if you sit still and do nothing at all (no swift, immediate, or frees, either, if necessary) you can charge up and fire your high level spells faster.
    Last edited by Milskidasith; 2010-04-22 at 01:23 PM.