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Thread: 3.5 advice requested

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    Titan in the Playground
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    May 2006
    Wandering in Harrekh

    Default Re: 3.5 advice requested

    So far I haven't had to deal with any gamebreakers. I generally work at it two ways: in character and out of character, both through house rules.

    First, nerf the over-powered. DMM doesn't exist, specific egregious spells and feat combinations are banned, all Druids are shapeshift, among other things.

    Then, bump up the less powerful. Monks get a significant power boost, Dungeoncrasher is encouraged, Ranger steals the Druid's companion, ToB is allowed, Half-Orcs lose the Charisma penalty, Half-Elves choose either the feat or the extra skill points, etc.

    Finally, tie up the loose ends in-character. In my games, Pun-Pun has already ascended, and is the over-deity of the universe. Since he has an arbitrary amount of wisdom, he's realized that he's a fictional character in a game, and is having fun just playing along. He'll personally prevent any character from using an overpowered ability. If he has to, he'll dispense a Phylactery of Brokenness (shaped like a little cheese wheel) to people who skirt the line. (I've never had to take this step, but it's in reserve if I need it).

    EDIT: Forgot the most important thing - I make absolutely sure that the players are aware of this stuff at the outset. First session of the game, I take a little time to make sure everybody knows it, and everybody knows that the whole gaming group knows it.
    Last edited by Telonius; 2010-04-26 at 08:27 AM.