Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Dahl View Post
Haha! True, true... I do admit my defeat but how many casters actually have more than one spell component pouch? And casting on defensive, really really easy? Ok...
I also usually have 5 pouches, whenever I make sample characters (I'd never ever ever use wizards in an actual game, though I do use factotums, which use component pouches).

-Problem: you're a caster, and people keep getting all up in your business with antimagic fields.
Solution: move at least 10' then cast (if you want to cast at the person in the field, use an instantaneous conjuration), or find a cone of wood or something that is large enough for you to fit inside, cast shrink item, and wear it as a hat, then dimension door out whenever it's your turn, or cast some buffs in the meantime.

-Problem: you're a single caster in a group of martial types, and the DM is being really stingy with magic items, and you don't want to have to spend your precious XP crafting.
Solution: learn Chain Spell and a few metamagic reducers, and cast long-lasting buffs (such as greater magic weapon and magic vestment) on everyone at once.