Amagatsu Kazuma, 11th Squad Resident Broody Hardworking Blood Knight

Name: Amagatsu Kazuma (pre-mortem: Seizan Kouichi)
Age: What does it mean when you don't celebrate birthdays?
Gender: Clearly male.
Height: 1,89m
Weight: 70 KG
Reiatsu: Blood red
Rank: Somewhere about 8th position, likely. Stronger than average, not so much to have an actual named post.

Appearance: Kazuma is a tallish guy who looks to be in his early twenties at best. He has dark purple eyes and dark red hair with a twin streak of green flowing down each side of his forehead and framing his face. His face seems to be perpetually turned into a frown, or at least, a neutral expression. His attire is regular for a Shinigami, with the notable lack of anything reminding a mark of rank and a pair of round, black sunglasses on his face, a small pipe occasionally dangling from his lips. He is often seen popping pills, believed by many to be painkillers. Or candy.

In battle, Kazuma tends to shed the upper part of his Shinigami robes, displaying a body for the most part free of noticeable scars. The more he gets into it, the more his mask of uncaring fades, to the point he seems to genuinely enjoy himself. Weak opponents tend to not get that far. Strong enough opponents get to see him take his shades off.

History: In life, Kazuma had been an extremely successful heart surgeon by the name of Seizan Kouichi. He had everything - the talent, the money, the loving family. His ability was unprecedented, beginning with his very first patient - his teacher, who entrusted no one with his life but Kouichi, fresh out from residency. In all 25 years of his career, he never lost a single patient on the operating table.

When he did, he couldn't stand the shock. Going into depression, he took up drinking. The poor doctor never recovered, losing family, friends and co-workers, then his house, until he finally died alone and in pain. His spirit, being full of regrets, took up to haunting the hospital he used to work in. This eventually led a Shinigami to him, and he was sent to Soul Society before he became a Hollow.

The catch is, he was a completely different individual when he got there. He had no memories of his previous life, and not even his appearance. He was just a young boy, whom everybody called Amagatsu Kazuma. He had no one to care for him, unfortunately. It wasn't long before the boy took to stealing. It was even less time before he had contact with the seedy side of Rukongai, initially as a victim that no one cared about. He was strong enough to survive, first by hiding. But he couldn't hide forever. He started actually defending himself. As violence begat more violence, and with no notion of right and wrong to begin with, "might makes right" started making each and every bit more sense, and he was sent further and further away from the center of Rukongai. That hunger, so uncharacteristic of the others around him, was no longer unheeded. He could very well remain in Rukongai until the time came that everyone feared respected him, but he knew that the second someone actually got him good, that respect would wane. So he did the one thing he could - he got into the Academy in an attempt to make Shinigami.
He didn't fail any of his classes, being actually far more hardworking than his outward demeanor would suggest, but his violent upbringing forever scarred his view of life. Even further, he was seen as little more than a peasant who muscled his way in, not belonging to any major houses and not outshining his other class members.

Nonetheless, he was strong. Much stronger than when he left. Rukongai meant nothing by now. He didn't care about what others thought, only what he knew. He knew he had the makings to go anywhere he wanted, whenever he wanted, if he tried hard enough.

But now that he didn't have to fight just to survive, where would he go from here?

Kazuma is an extreme realist. Hopes and dreams mean nothing. Would, shoulda, coulda. What matters is the moment. Do what you want to do, live with no regrets, answer to no one but yourself. If anyone has a problem with that he or she can go to hell. If that doesn't work, that someone can BEAT obedience out of you. If he or she can't? Tough break. His actions are very much dictated by his whims, and his interest in helping someone is quite dependent on whether he happens to like that someone for whatever reason. He reacts strangely to genuine, unfettered kindness, always initially considering them an attempt to get a favor out of him, and when proven wrong, unable to respond to it with anything but irritation. Nice people annoy him, truly, mostly because he doesn't understand their motivations. Strangely enough for him, he seems to get along just fine with doctors, though he figures they're just doing their jobs.
Aside from smoking and eating more candy than is good for you (yes, that's candy) he has no other really bad habits. He likes to keep himself clean and preferrably smelling well (he tends to smoke only sweet herbs for that effect), but he's not a neat freak. He's not fond of authority he has no direct respect for. He tolerates (or rather ignores) criticism rather well. He's particularly hard-working when he does things and doesn't really tolerate half-assedness; his hobbies are training, Go and Shogi. Not that he's very good at the latter two, he enjoys the concept and mental workout most of all.


Release command: Chissokuse yo, Sazan'ou! (Asphyxiate, Chain of the Cruel King!)
Unreleased Zanpakutou: White saya, black tsuba, red tsuka
Inner World: Huge flower garden, bustling with life, with butterflies frolicking about.

It's only missing unicorns.

Zanpakutou Spirit:
Doctor Seizan Kouichi, before the mistake that cost him everything - a man in his mid-fifties, dressed like a doctor, with a moustache not unlike that of Santa Claus, dressed like a doctor. He will occasionally receive what looks like a patient file, handed by an assistant who then promptly disappears. The assistant is different each time - each is, in fact, a part of the reiatsu of his saved patients, the gratitude that stood behind with him.

Shikai: The weapon turns into a kusari-gama with an exceptionally long chain. It has 108 links in total - each link turns into a different weapon, some of which come in pairs. At present, Kazuma can use about a tenth of those efficiently, ten links out of the 108. The striking end of each weapon is attracted by the opponent's reiatsu, which often causes them to cut deeper or strike harder than usual. The upside is that the more reiatsu the opponent pours out, the harder they'll strike; the downside is that the stronger the swing, the more difficult it is to control. Further, those who can hide their reiatsu find that the weapon only hits as hard as Kazuma himself can (which, while considerable, isn't as hard an impact as the weapon adds).

Bankai: Not yet considered, or even attained for that matter.

General Abilities: Proficient with a somewhat wide range of weapons, and thus accustomed to the tactics employed with many of them. As a result of living in distrust of everything and everyone, has sharpened his senses to catch details that many would initially dismiss, though often gets dismissed himself. Large reiatsu output, with a moderate amount of control (still poor by many manipulator's standards, however). Fairly strong for his frame despite the lack of obvious muscle. Quick on his feet, but by no means a speed demon - prefers to use evasion as a method of closing in rather than of getting away, and his natural hot-bloodedness in battle makes him likely to harm himself in the process.

Shunpo: Kazuma has trouble with Shunpo in that he's never quite gotten the hang of how to steer. He either has to stop in his tracks to change direction, or use the nearby scenery as a means to turn. For this reason, his use of Shunpo is limited to evasion and head-on charges. He also can't use more than a couple of them in rapid succession.

Kidou: Feeling that imprisoning his opponents and limiting their combat capabilities isn't fair, Kazuma never really got more knowledge of Bakudou than absolutely required to pass his classes. Hadou, however, is Kazuma's favorite (and only) means of attack that doesn't involve his fists and Zanpakutou. Due to his relatively poor ability to control his Reiatsu, his Hadou tends to focus on explosive blasts rather than pinpoint attacks. His inability to employ them without recitation makes them predictable, however, and his relatively low attack power compared to specialists and the impact of his own Zanpakutou makes it mostly his long-range attack option.

Zanjutsu: Kazuma's specialty. He tends to adjust his weapon to fit his enemy's tactics whenever he does draw his Zanpakutou, but prefers to go at it with a mix of straight-up martial arts and Hadou instead. Doesn't adhere to rules of engagement of most kinds unless he figures it'll add to the challenge. His favorite style when aiming for elegance is battoujutsu, a technique reliant on the sliding of the back of the blade against the sheath in order to produce additional momentum. Despite his familiarity with a variety of weapons (ten links out of 108, for now), Kazuma wouldn't be much of a match against a foe with the same weapon type; for the most part he tries to match his own as appropriate to combat (using weapons with long reach against short reach weapons, chains against long blades, short weapons against disarming/pronged weapons and so on).

Hakuda: Kazuma is fairly efficient, hand-to-hand fighting-wise, though his style tends to make far more use of direct assault than throws or immobilizations and the occasional nerve pinch (the majority of his opponents being Hollows though, this last part hardly, if ever gets used). He isn't an expert in that he lacks variety (refer to the aforementioned lack of throws and immobilizations), and some might call him a one-trick pony. He has been known to occasionally wear down Hollows with nothing but bare fists, however.
Stats: (for evaluation purposes only. Humans in this case are assumed to be around the 30's in scale, with 35 being well above average, 45 being superhuman, etc.. Sado, for example, would be 45 Strength-wise as of Parakeet Kid's arc - HE RIPPED A FREAKING LAMPPOST OFF THE GROUND THEN BROKE IT OVER SHRIEKER'S HEAD IN ONE BLOW.
I used 250 points as a base for a starting Shinigami.)
Offense: 70
Defense: 25
Kidou: 33
Intellect: 37
Strength: 40
Speed: 45