I think Tymora and Selune are the two most obvious choices.

I think Selunes chaotic aspect is her no nonsense approach about how to deal with troublemakers, but she's generally benign and cares a great deal for the safety of common people. And her clerics fight against evil lycanthropes and the cults of Shar, two of the most dangerous factions of the Realms (when it comes to personal power of individual members).

Tymora isn't about rogues, but about adventurers. That means jumping traps and stealing the warlords crown, but also charging into the battle without fear and confidence that luck is with the couragous.

While Paladins of Freedom of Selune strike me as more serious, but unbound by social norms in their quest to do good, Paladins of Freedom of Tymora would probably be much more daring and focus on the aspects of excitement and taking risks.